1 - Adding a proprietary kernel module to Talos Linux

  1. Patching and building the kernel image

    1. Clone the pkgs repository from Github and check out the revision corresponding to your version of Talos Linux

      git clone https://github.com/talos-systems/pkgs pkgs && cd pkgs
      git checkout v0.8.0
    2. Clone the Linux kernel and check out the revision that pkgs uses (this can be found in kernel/kernel-prepare/pkg.yaml and it will be something like the following: https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-x.xx.x.tar.xz)

      git clone https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git && cd linux
      git checkout v5.15
    3. Your module will need to be converted to be in-tree. The steps for this are different depending on the complexity of the module to port, but generally it would involve moving the module source code into the drivers tree and creating a new Makefile and Kconfig.

    4. Stage your changes in Git with git add -A.

    5. Run git diff --cached --no-prefix > foobar.patch to generate a patch from your changes.

    6. Copy this patch to kernel/kernel/patches in the pkgs repo.

    7. Add a patch line in the prepare segment of kernel/kernel/pkg.yaml:

      patch -p0 < /pkg/patches/foobar.patch
    8. Build the kernel image. Make sure you are logged in to ghcr.io before running this command, and you can change or omit PLATFORM depending on what you want to target.

      make kernel PLATFORM=linux/amd64 USERNAME=your-username PUSH=true
    9. Make a note of the image name the make command outputs.

  2. Building the installer image

    1. Copy the following into a new Dockerfile:

      FROM scratch AS customization
      COPY --from=ghcr.io/your-username/kernel:<kernel version> /lib/modules /lib/modules
      FROM ghcr.io/talos-systems/installer:<talos version>
      COPY --from=ghcr.io/your-username/kernel:<kernel version> /boot/vmlinuz /usr/install/${TARGETARCH}/vmlinuz
    2. Run to build and push the installer:

      INSTALLER_VERSION=<talos version>
      DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker build --build-arg RM="/lib/modules" -t "$IMAGE_NAME" . && docker push "$IMAGE_NAME"
  3. Deploying to your cluster

    talosctl upgrade --image ghcr.io/your-username/talos-installer:<talos version> --preserve=true

2 - Advanced Networking

Static Addressing

Static addressing is comprised of specifying addresses, routes ( remember to add your default gateway ), and interface. Most likely you’ll also want to define the nameservers so you have properly functioning DNS.

    hostname: talos
      - interface: eth0
        mtu: 8765
          - network:
      - interface: eth1
        ignore: true
      - time.cloudflare.com

Additional Addresses for an Interface

In some environments you may need to set additional addresses on an interface. In the following example, we set two additional addresses on the loopback interface.

      - interface: lo


The following example shows how to create a bonded interface.

      - interface: bond0
        dhcp: true
          mode: 802.3ad
          lacpRate: fast
          xmitHashPolicy: layer3+4
          miimon: 100
          updelay: 200
          downdelay: 200
            - eth0
            - eth1


To setup vlans on a specific device use an array of VLANs to add. The master device may be configured without addressing by setting dhcp to false.

      - interface: eth0
        dhcp: false
          - vlanId: 100
              - ""
              - network:

3 - Air-gapped Environments

In this guide we will create a Talos cluster running in an air-gapped environment with all the required images being pulled from an internal registry. We will use the QEMU provisioner available in talosctl to create a local cluster, but the same approach could be used to deploy Talos in bigger air-gapped networks.


The follow are requirements for this guide:

  • Docker 18.03 or greater
  • Requirements for the Talos QEMU cluster

Identifying Images

In air-gapped environments, access to the public Internet is restricted, so Talos can’t pull images from public Docker registries (docker.io, ghcr.io, etc.) We need to identify the images required to install and run Talos. The same strategy can be used for images required by custom workloads running on the cluster.

The talosctl images command provides a list of default images used by the Talos cluster (with default configuration settings). To print the list of images, run:

talosctl images

This list contains images required by a default deployment of Talos. There might be additional images required for the workloads running on this cluster, and those should be added to this list.

Preparing the Internal Registry

As access to the public registries is restricted, we have to run an internal Docker registry. In this guide, we will launch the registry on the same machine using Docker:

$ docker run -d -p 6000:5000 --restart always --name registry-aigrapped registry:2

This registry will be accepting connections on port 6000 on the host IPs. The registry is empty by default, so we have fill it with the images required by Talos.

First, we pull all the images to our local Docker daemon:

$ for image in `talosctl images`; do docker pull $image; done
v0.12.0-amd64: Pulling from coreos/flannel
Digest: sha256:6d451d92c921f14bfb38196aacb6e506d4593c5b3c9d40a8b8a2506010dc3e10

All images are now stored in the Docker daemon store:

$ docker images
ghcr.io/talos-systems/install-cni    v0.3.0-12-g90722c3      980d36ee2ee1        5 days ago          79.7MB
k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy-amd64          v1.20.0                 33c60812eab8        2 weeks ago         118MB

Now we need to re-tag them so that we can push them to our local registry. We are going to replace the first component of the image name (before the first slash) with our registry endpoint

$ for image in `talosctl images`; do \
    docker tag $image `echo $image | sed -E 's#^[^/]+/#'` \

As the next step, we push images to the internal registry:

$ for image in `talosctl images`; do \
    docker push `echo $image | sed -E 's#^[^/]+/#'` \

We can now verify that the images are pushed to the registry:

$ curl

Note: images in the registry don’t have the registry endpoint prefix anymore.

Launching Talos in an Air-gapped Environment

For Talos to use the internal registry, we use the registry mirror feature to redirect all the image pull requests to the internal registry. This means that the registry endpoint (as the first component of the image reference) gets ignored, and all pull requests are sent directly to the specified endpoint.

We are going to use a QEMU-based Talos cluster for this guide, but the same approach works with Docker-based clusters as well. As QEMU-based clusters go through the Talos install process, they can be used better to model a real air-gapped environment.

The talosctl cluster create command provides conveniences for common configuration options. The only required flag for this guide is --registry-mirror '*'= which redirects every pull request to the internal registry. The endpoint being used is, as this is the default bridge interface address which will be routable from the QEMU VMs ( IP will be pointing to the VM itself).

$ sudo -E talosctl cluster create --provisioner=qemu --registry-mirror '*'= --install-image=ghcr.io/talos-systems/installer:v0.14.0
validating CIDR and reserving IPs
generating PKI and tokens
creating state directory in "/home/smira/.talos/clusters/talos-default"
creating network talos-default
creating load balancer
creating dhcpd
creating master nodes
creating worker nodes
waiting for API

Note: --install-image should match the image which was copied into the internal registry in the previous step.

You can be verify that the cluster is air-gapped by inspecting the registry logs: docker logs -f registry-airgapped.

Closing Notes

Running in an air-gapped environment might require additional configuration changes, for example using custom settings for DNS and NTP servers.

When scaling this guide to the bare-metal environment, following Talos config snippet could be used as an equivalent of the --registry-mirror flag above:


Other implementations of Docker registry can be used in place of the Docker registry image used above to run the registry. If required, auth can be configured for the internal registry (and custom TLS certificates if needed).

4 - Configuring Ceph with Rook


Talos Linux reserves an entire disk for the OS installation, so machines with multiple available disks are needed for a reliable Ceph cluster with Rook and Talos Linux. Rook requires that the block devices or partitions used by Ceph have no partitions or formatted filesystems before use. Rook also requires a minimum Kubernetes version of v1.16 and Helm v3.0 for installation of charts. It is highly recommended that the Rook Ceph overview is read and understood before deploying a Ceph cluster with Rook.


Creating a Ceph cluster with Rook requires two steps; first the Rook Operator needs to be installed which can be done with a Helm Chart. The example below installs the Rook Operator into the rook-ceph namespace, which is the default for a Ceph cluster with Rook.

$ helm repo add rook-release https://charts.rook.io/release
"rook-release" has been added to your repositories

$ helm install --create-namespace --namespace rook-ceph rook-ceph rook-release/rook-ceph
W0327 17:52:44.277830   54987 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+
W0327 17:52:44.612243   54987 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+
NAME: rook-ceph
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Mar 27 17:52:42 2022
NAMESPACE: rook-ceph
STATUS: deployed
The Rook Operator has been installed. Check its status by running:
  kubectl --namespace rook-ceph get pods -l "app=rook-ceph-operator"

Visit https://rook.io/docs/rook/latest for instructions on how to create and configure Rook clusters

Important Notes:
- You must customize the 'CephCluster' resource in the sample manifests for your cluster.
- Each CephCluster must be deployed to its own namespace, the samples use `rook-ceph` for the namespace.
- The sample manifests assume you also installed the rook-ceph operator in the `rook-ceph` namespace.
- The helm chart includes all the RBAC required to create a CephCluster CRD in the same namespace.
- Any disk devices you add to the cluster in the 'CephCluster' must be empty (no filesystem and no partitions).

Once that is complete, the Ceph cluster can be installed with the official Helm Chart. The Chart can be installed with default values, which will attempt to use all nodes in the Kubernetes cluster, and all unused disks on each node for Ceph storage, and make available block storage, object storage, as well as a shared filesystem. Generally more specific node/device/cluster configuration is used, and the Rook documentation explains all the available options in detail. For this example the defaults will be adequate.

$ helm install --create-namespace --namespace rook-ceph rook-ceph-cluster --set operatorNamespace=rook-ceph rook-release/rook-ceph-cluster
NAME: rook-ceph-cluster
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Mar 27 18:12:46 2022
NAMESPACE: rook-ceph
STATUS: deployed
The Ceph Cluster has been installed. Check its status by running:
  kubectl --namespace rook-ceph get cephcluster

Visit https://rook.github.io/docs/rook/latest/ceph-cluster-crd.html for more information about the Ceph CRD.

Important Notes:
- You can only deploy a single cluster per namespace
- If you wish to delete this cluster and start fresh, you will also have to wipe the OSD disks using `sfdisk`

Now the Ceph cluster configuration has been created, the Rook operator needs time to install the Ceph cluster and bring all the components online. The progression of the Ceph cluster state can be followed with the following command.

$ watch kubectl --namespace rook-ceph get cephcluster rook-ceph
Every 2.0s: kubectl --namespace rook-ceph get cephcluster rook-ceph

rook-ceph   /var/lib/rook     3          57s   Progressing   Configuring Ceph Mons

Depending on the size of the Ceph cluster and the availability of resources the Ceph cluster should become available, and with it the storage classes that can be used with Kubernetes Physical Volumes.

$ kubectl --namespace rook-ceph get cephcluster rook-ceph
rook-ceph   /var/lib/rook     3          40m   Ready   Cluster created successfully   HEALTH_OK

$ kubectl  get storageclass
ceph-block (default)   rook-ceph.rbd.csi.ceph.com      Delete          Immediate           true                   77m
ceph-bucket            rook-ceph.ceph.rook.io/bucket   Delete          Immediate           false                  77m
ceph-filesystem        rook-ceph.cephfs.csi.ceph.com   Delete          Immediate           true                   77m

Talos Linux Considerations

It is important to note that a Rook Ceph cluster saves cluster information directly onto the node (be default dataDirHostPath is set to /var/lib/rook) which under Talos Linux is ephemeral. This makes cluster management a little bit more involved, as any time a Talos Linux node is reconfigured or upgraded, the ephemeral partition is wiped.

When performing maintenance on a Talos Linux node with a Rook Ceph cluster, it is imperative that care be taken to maintain the health of the Ceph cluster, for instance when upgrading the Talos Linux version. Before upgrading, you should always check the health status of the Ceph cluster to ensure that it is healthy.

$ kubectl --namespace rook-ceph get cephclusters.ceph.rook.io rook-ceph
rook-ceph   /var/lib/rook     3          98m   Ready   Cluster created successfully   HEALTH_OK

If it is, you can begin the upgrade process for the Talos Linux node, during which time the Ceph cluster will become unhealthy as the node is reconfigured. Before performing any other action on the Talos Linux nodes, the Ceph cluster must return to a healthy status.

$ talosctl upgrade --nodes --image ghcr.io/talos-systems/installer:v0.14.3
NODE          ACK                        STARTED   Upgrade request received   2022-03-27 20:29:55.292432887 +0200 CEST m=+10.050399758

$ kubectl --namespace rook-ceph get cephclusters.ceph.rook.io
rook-ceph   /var/lib/rook     3          99m   Progressing   Configuring Ceph Mgr(s)   HEALTH_WARN

$ kubectl --namespace rook-ceph wait --timeout=1800s --for=jsonpath='{.status.ceph.health}=HEALTH_OK' rook-ceph
cephcluster.ceph.rook.io/rook-ceph condition met

The above steps need to be performed for each Talos Linux node undergoing maintenance, one at a time.

Cleaning Up

Rook Ceph Cluster Removal

Removing a Rook Ceph cluster requires a few steps, starting with signalling to Rook that the Ceph cluster is really being destroyed. Then all Persistent Volumes (and Claims) backed by the Ceph cluster must be deleted, followed by the Storage Classes and the Ceph storage types.

$ kubectl --namespace rook-ceph patch cephcluster rook-ceph --type merge -p '{"spec":{"cleanupPolicy":{"confirmation":"yes-really-destroy-data"}}}'
cephcluster.ceph.rook.io/rook-ceph patched

$ kubectl delete storageclasses ceph-block ceph-bucket ceph-filesystem
storageclass.storage.k8s.io "ceph-block" deleted
storageclass.storage.k8s.io "ceph-bucket" deleted
storageclass.storage.k8s.io "ceph-filesystem" deleted

$ kubectl --namespace rook-ceph delete cephblockpools ceph-blockpool
cephblockpool.ceph.rook.io "ceph-blockpool" deleted

$ kubectl --namespace rook-ceph delete cephobjectstore ceph-objectstore
cephobjectstore.ceph.rook.io "ceph-objectstore" deleted

$ kubectl --namespace rook-ceph delete cephfilesystem ceph-filesystem
cephfilesystem.ceph.rook.io "ceph-filesystem" deleted

Once that is complete, the Ceph cluster itself can be removed, along with the Rook Ceph cluster Helm chart installation.

$ kubectl --namespace rook-ceph delete cephcluster rook-ceph
cephcluster.ceph.rook.io "rook-ceph" deleted

$ helm --namespace rook-ceph uninstall rook-ceph-cluster
release "rook-ceph-cluster" uninstalled

If needed, the Rook Operator can also be removed along with all the Custom Resource Definitions that it created.

$ helm --namespace rook-ceph uninstall rook-ceph
W0328 12:41:14.998307  147203 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+
These resources were kept due to the resource policy:
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephblockpools.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephbucketnotifications.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephbuckettopics.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephclients.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephclusters.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephfilesystemmirrors.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephfilesystems.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephfilesystemsubvolumegroups.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephnfses.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephobjectrealms.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephobjectstores.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephobjectstoreusers.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephobjectzonegroups.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephobjectzones.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] cephrbdmirrors.ceph.rook.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] objectbucketclaims.objectbucket.io
[CustomResourceDefinition] objectbuckets.objectbucket.io

release "rook-ceph" uninstalled

$ kubectl delete crds cephblockpools.ceph.rook.io cephbucketnotifications.ceph.rook.io cephbuckettopics.ceph.rook.io \
                      cephclients.ceph.rook.io cephclusters.ceph.rook.io cephfilesystemmirrors.ceph.rook.io \
                      cephfilesystems.ceph.rook.io cephfilesystemsubvolumegroups.ceph.rook.io \
                      cephnfses.ceph.rook.io cephobjectrealms.ceph.rook.io cephobjectstores.ceph.rook.io \
                      cephobjectstoreusers.ceph.rook.io cephobjectzonegroups.ceph.rook.io cephobjectzones.ceph.rook.io \
                      cephrbdmirrors.ceph.rook.io objectbucketclaims.objectbucket.io objectbuckets.objectbucket.io
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephblockpools.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephbucketnotifications.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephbuckettopics.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephclients.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephclusters.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephfilesystemmirrors.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephfilesystems.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephfilesystemsubvolumegroups.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephnfses.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephobjectrealms.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephobjectstores.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephobjectstoreusers.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephobjectzonegroups.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephobjectzones.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "cephrbdmirrors.ceph.rook.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "objectbucketclaims.objectbucket.io" deleted
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "objectbuckets.objectbucket.io" deleted

Talos Linux Rook Metadata Removal

If the Rook Operator is cleanly removed following the above process, the node metadata and disks should be clean and ready to be re-used. In the case of an unclean cluster removal, there may be still a few instances of metadata stored on the system disk, as well as the partition information on the storage disks. First the node metadata needs to be removed, make sure to update the nodeName with the actual name of a storage node that needs cleaning, and path with the Rook configuration dataDirHostPath set when installing the chart. The following will need to be repeated for each node used in the Rook Ceph cluster.

$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: disk-clean
  restartPolicy: Never
  nodeName: <storage-node-name>
  - name: rook-data-dir
      path: <dataDirHostPath>
  - name: disk-clean
    image: busybox
      privileged: true
    - name: rook-data-dir
      mountPath: /node/rook-data
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "rm -rf /node/rook-data/*"]
pod/disk-clean created

$ kubectl wait --timeout=900s --for=jsonpath='{.status.phase}=Succeeded' pod disk-clean
pod/disk-clean condition met

$ kubectl delete pod disk-clean
pod "disk-clean" deleted

Lastly, the disks themselves need the partition and filesystem data wiped before they can be reused. Again, the following as to be repeated for each node and disk used in the Rook Ceph cluster, updating nodeName and of= in the command as needed.

$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: disk-wipe
  restartPolicy: Never
  nodeName: <storage-node-name>
  - name: disk-wipe
    image: busybox
      privileged: true
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=100 oflag=direct of=<device>"]
pod/disk-wipe created

$ kubectl wait --timeout=900s --for=jsonpath='{.status.phase}=Succeeded' pod disk-wipe
pod/disk-wipe condition met

$ kubectl delete pod disk-clean
pod "disk-wipe" deleted

5 - Configuring Certificate Authorities

Appending the Certificate Authority

Put into each machine the PEM encoded certificate:

    - content: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----        
      permissions: 0644
      path: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates
      op: append

6 - Configuring Containerd

The base containerd configuration expects to merge in any additional configs present in /var/cri/conf.d/*.toml.

An example of exposing metrics

Into each machine config, add the following:

    - content: |
          address = ""        
      path: /var/cri/conf.d/metrics.toml
      op: create

Create cluster like normal and see that metrics are now present on this port:

$ curl
# HELP container_blkio_io_service_bytes_recursive_bytes The blkio io service bytes recursive
# TYPE container_blkio_io_service_bytes_recursive_bytes gauge
container_blkio_io_service_bytes_recursive_bytes{container_id="0677d73196f5f4be1d408aab1c4125cf9e6c458a4bea39e590ac779709ffbe14",device="/dev/dm-0",major="253",minor="0",namespace="k8s.io",op="Async"} 0
container_blkio_io_service_bytes_recursive_bytes{container_id="0677d73196f5f4be1d408aab1c4125cf9e6c458a4bea39e590ac779709ffbe14",device="/dev/dm-0",major="253",minor="0",namespace="k8s.io",op="Discard"} 0

7 - Configuring Corporate Proxies

Appending the Certificate Authority of MITM Proxies

Put into each machine the PEM encoded certificate:

    - content: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----        
      permissions: 0644
      path: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates
      op: append

Configuring a Machine to Use the Proxy

To make use of a proxy:

    http_proxy: <http proxy>
    https_proxy: <https proxy>
    no_proxy: <no proxy>

Additionally, configure the DNS nameservers, and NTP servers:

      - <server 1>
      - <server ...>
      - <server n>
      - <ip 1>
      - <ip ...>
      - <ip n>

8 - Configuring Network Connectivity

Configuring Network Connectivity

The simplest way to deploy Talos is by ensuring that all the remote components of the system (talosctl, the control plane nodes, and worker nodes) all have layer 2 connectivity. This is not always possible, however, so this page lays out the minimal network access that is required to configure and operate a talos cluster.

Note: These are the ports required for Talos specifically, and should be configured in addition to the ports required by kubernetes. See the kubernetes docs for information on the ports used by kubernetes itself.

Control plane node(s)

ProtocolDirectionPort RangePurposeUsed By
TCPInbound50001*trustdControl plane nodes, worker nodes

Ports marked with a * are not currently configurable, but that may change in the future. Follow along here.

Worker node(s)

ProtocolDirectionPort RangePurposeUsed By
TCPInbound50001*trustdControl plane nodes

Ports marked with a * are not currently configurable, but that may change in the future. Follow along here.

9 - Configuring Pull Through Cache

In this guide we will create a set of local caching Docker registry proxies to minimize local cluster startup time.

When running Talos locally, pulling images from Docker registries might take a significant amount of time. We spin up local caching pass-through registries to cache images and configure a local Talos cluster to use those proxies. A similar approach might be used to run Talos in production in air-gapped environments. It can be also used to verify that all the images are available in local registries.

Video Walkthrough

To see a live demo of this writeup, see the video below:


The follow are requirements for creating the set of caching proxies:

  • Docker 18.03 or greater
  • Local cluster requirements for either docker or QEMU.

Launch the Caching Docker Registry Proxies

Talos pulls from docker.io, k8s.gcr.io, quay.io, gcr.io, and ghcr.io by default. If your configuration is different, you might need to modify the commands below:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 \
    -e REGISTRY_PROXY_REMOTEURL=https://registry-1.docker.io \
    --restart always \
    --name registry-docker.io registry:2

docker run -d -p 5001:5000 \
    -e REGISTRY_PROXY_REMOTEURL=https://k8s.gcr.io \
    --restart always \
    --name registry-k8s.gcr.io registry:2

docker run -d -p 5002:5000 \
    -e REGISTRY_PROXY_REMOTEURL=https://quay.io \
    --restart always \
    --name registry-quay.io registry:2.5

docker run -d -p 5003:5000 \
    -e REGISTRY_PROXY_REMOTEURL=https://gcr.io \
    --restart always \
    --name registry-gcr.io registry:2

docker run -d -p 5004:5000 \
    -e REGISTRY_PROXY_REMOTEURL=https://ghcr.io \
    --restart always \
    --name registry-ghcr.io registry:2

Note: Proxies are started as docker containers, and they’re automatically configured to start with Docker daemon. Please note that quay.io proxy doesn’t support recent Docker image schema, so we run older registry image version (2.5).

As a registry container can only handle a single upstream Docker registry, we launch a container per upstream, each on its own host port (5000, 5001, 5002, 5003 and 5004).

Using Caching Registries with QEMU Local Cluster

With a QEMU local cluster, a bridge interface is created on the host. As registry containers expose their ports on the host, we can use bridge IP to direct proxy requests.

sudo talosctl cluster create --provisioner qemu \
    --registry-mirror docker.io= \
    --registry-mirror k8s.gcr.io= \
    --registry-mirror quay.io= \
    --registry-mirror gcr.io= \
    --registry-mirror ghcr.io=

The Talos local cluster should now start pulling via caching registries. This can be verified via registry logs, e.g. docker logs -f registry-docker.io. The first time cluster boots, images are pulled and cached, so next cluster boot should be much faster.

Note: is a bridge IP with default network (, if using custom --cidr, value should be adjusted accordingly.

Using Caching Registries with docker Local Cluster

With a docker local cluster we can use docker bridge IP, default value for that IP is On Linux, the docker bridge address can be inspected with ip addr show docker0.

talosctl cluster create --provisioner docker \
    --registry-mirror docker.io= \
    --registry-mirror k8s.gcr.io= \
    --registry-mirror quay.io= \
    --registry-mirror gcr.io= \
    --registry-mirror ghcr.io=

Cleaning Up

To cleanup, run:

docker rm -f registry-docker.io
docker rm -f registry-k8s.gcr.io
docker rm -f registry-quay.io
docker rm -f registry-gcr.io
docker rm -f registry-ghcr.io

Note: Removing docker registry containers also removes the image cache. So if you plan to use caching registries, keep the containers running.

10 - Configuring the Cluster Endpoint

In this section, we will step through the configuration of a Talos based Kubernetes cluster. There are three major components we will configure:

  • apid and talosctl
  • the master nodes
  • the worker nodes

Talos enforces a high level of security by using mutual TLS for authentication and authorization.

We recommend that the configuration of Talos be performed by a cluster owner. A cluster owner should be a person of authority within an organization, perhaps a director, manager, or senior member of a team. They are responsible for storing the root CA, and distributing the PKI for authorized cluster administrators.

Talos runs great out of the box, but if you tweak some minor settings it will make your life a lot easier in the future. This is not a requirement, but rather a document to explain some key settings.


To configure the talosctl endpoint, it is recommended you use a resolvable DNS name. This way, if you decide to upgrade to a multi-controlplane cluster you only have to add the ip address to the hostname configuration. The configuration can either be done on a Loadbalancer, or simply trough DNS.

For example:

This is in the config file for the cluster e.g. controlplane.yaml and worker.yaml. for more details, please see: v1alpha1 endpoint configuration

    endpoint: https://endpoint.example.local:6443

If you have a DNS name as the endpoint, you can upgrade your talos cluster with multiple controlplanes in the future (if you don’t have a multi-controlplane setup from the start) Using a DNS name generates the corresponding Certificates (Kubernetes and Talos) for the correct hostname.

11 - Configuring Wireguard Network

In this guide you will learn how to set up Wireguard network using Kernel module.

Configuring Wireguard Network

Quick Start

The quickest way to try out Wireguard is to use talosctl cluster create command:

talosctl cluster create --wireguard-cidr

It will automatically generate Wireguard network configuration for each node with the following network topology:

Where all controlplane nodes will be used as Wireguard servers which listen on port 51111. All controlplanes and workers will connect to all controlplanes. It also sets PersistentKeepalive to 5 seconds to establish controlplanes to workers connection.

After the cluster is deployed it should be possible to verify Wireguard network connectivity. It is possible to deploy a container with hostNetwork enabled, then do kubectl exec <container> /bin/bash and either do:


Or install wireguard-tools package and run:

wg show

Wireguard show should output something like this:

interface: wg0
  public key: OMhgEvNIaEN7zeCLijRh4c+0Hwh3erjknzdyvVlrkGM=
  private key: (hidden)
  listening port: 47946

peer: 1EsxUygZo8/URWs18tqB5FW2cLVlaTA+lUisKIf8nh4=
  allowed ips:
  latest handshake: 1 minute, 55 seconds ago
  transfer: 3.17 KiB received, 3.55 KiB sent
  persistent keepalive: every 5 seconds

It is also possible to use generated configuration as a reference by pulling generated config files using:

talosctl read -n /system/state/config.yaml > controlplane.yaml
talosctl read -n /system/state/config.yaml > worker.yaml

Manual Configuration

All Wireguard configuration can be done by changing Talos machine config files. As an example we will use this official Wireguard quick start tutorial.

Key Generation

This part is exactly the same:

wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey

Setting up Device

Inline comments show relations between configs and wg quickstart tutorial commands:

      # ip link add dev wg0 type wireguard
    - interface: wg0
      mtu: 1500
      # ip address add dev wg0
      # wg set wg0 listen-port 51820 private-key /path/to/private-key peer ABCDEF... allowed-ips endpoint
        privateKey: <privatekey file contents>
        listenPort: 51820
          publicKey: ABCDEF...

When networkd gets this configuration it will create the device, configure it and will bring it up (equivalent to ip link set up dev wg0).

All supported config parameters are described in the Machine Config Reference.

12 - Customizing the Kernel

The installer image contains ONBUILD instructions that handle the following:

  • the decompression, and unpacking of the initramfs.xz
  • the unsquashing of the rootfs
  • the copying of new rootfs files
  • the squashing of the new rootfs
  • and the packing, and compression of the new initramfs.xz

When used as a base image, the installer will perform the above steps automatically with the requirement that a customization stage be defined in the Dockerfile.

Build and push your own kernel:

git clone https://github.com/talos-systems/pkgs.git
cd pkgs
make kernel-menuconfig USERNAME=_your_github_user_name_

docker login ghcr.io --username _your_github_user_name_
make kernel USERNAME=_your_github_user_name_ PUSH=true

Using a multi-stage Dockerfile we can define the customization stage and build FROM the installer image:

FROM scratch AS customization
COPY --from=<custom kernel image> /lib/modules /lib/modules

FROM ghcr.io/talos-systems/installer:latest
COPY --from=<custom kernel image> /boot/vmlinuz /usr/install/${TARGETARCH}/vmlinuz

When building the image, the customization stage will automatically be copied into the rootfs. The customization stage is not limited to a single COPY instruction. In fact, you can do whatever you would like in this stage, but keep in mind that everything in / will be copied into the rootfs.

To build the image, run:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker build --build-arg RM="/lib/modules" -t installer:kernel .

Note: buildkit has a bug #816, to disable it use DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0

Now that we have a custom installer we can build Talos for the specific platform we wish to deploy to.

13 - Customizing the Root Filesystem

The installer image contains ONBUILD instructions that handle the following:

  • the decompression, and unpacking of the initramfs.xz
  • the unsquashing of the rootfs
  • the copying of new rootfs files
  • the squashing of the new rootfs
  • and the packing, and compression of the new initramfs.xz

When used as a base image, the installer will perform the above steps automatically with the requirement that a customization stage be defined in the Dockerfile.

For example, say we have an image that contains the contents of a library we wish to add to the Talos rootfs. We need to define a stage with the name customization:

FROM scratch AS customization
COPY --from=<name|index> <src> <dest>

Using a multi-stage Dockerfile we can define the customization stage and build FROM the installer image:

FROM scratch AS customization
COPY --from=<name|index> <src> <dest>

FROM ghcr.io/talos-systems/installer:latest

When building the image, the customization stage will automatically be copied into the rootfs. The customization stage is not limited to a single COPY instruction. In fact, you can do whatever you would like in this stage, but keep in mind that everything in / will be copied into the rootfs.

Note: <dest> is the path relative to the rootfs that you wish to place the contents of <src>.

To build the image, run:

docker build --squash -t <organization>/installer:latest .

In the case that you need to perform some cleanup before adding additional files to the rootfs, you can specify the RM build-time variable:

docker build --squash --build-arg RM="[<path> ...]" -t <organization>/installer:latest .

This will perform a rm -rf on the specified paths relative to the rootfs.

Note: RM must be a whitespace delimited list.

The resulting image can be used to:

  • generate an image for any of the supported providers
  • perform bare-metall installs
  • perform upgrades

We will step through common customizations in the remainder of this section.

14 - Deploying Cilium CNI

In this guide you will learn how to set up Cilium CNI on Talos.

From v1.9 onwards Cilium does no longer provide a one-liner install manifest that can be used to install Cilium on a node via kubectl apply -f or passing it in as an extra url in the urls part in the Talos machine configuration.

Installing Cilium the new way via the cilium cli is broken, so we’ll be using helm to install Cilium. For more information: Install with CLI fails, works with Helm

Refer to Installing with Helm for more information.

First we’ll need to add the helm repo for Cilium.

helm repo add cilium https://helm.cilium.io/
helm repo update

This documentation will outline installing Cilium CNI v1.11.2 on Talos in four different ways. Adhering to Talos principles we’ll deploy Cilium with IPAM mode set to Kubernetes. Each method can either install Cilium using kube proxy (default) or without: Kubernetes Without kube-proxy

Machine config preparation

When generating the machine config for a node set the CNI to none. For example using a config patch:

talosctl gen config \
    my-cluster https://mycluster.local:6443 \
    --config-patch '[{"op":"add", "path": "/cluster/network/cni", "value": {"name": "none"}}]'

Or if you want to deploy Cilium in strict mode without kube-proxy, you also need to disable kube proxy:

talosctl gen config \
    my-cluster https://mycluster.local:6443 \
    --config-patch '[{"op": "add", "path": "/cluster/proxy", "value": {"disabled": true}}, {"op":"add", "path": "/cluster/network/cni", "value": {"name": "none"}}]'

Method 1: Helm install

After applying the machine config and bootstrapping Talos will appear to hang on phase 18/19 with the message: retrying error: node not ready. This happens because nodes in Kubernetes are only marked as ready once the CNI is up. As there is no CNI defined, the boot process is pending and will reboot the node to retry after 10 minutes, this is expected behavior.

During this window you can install Cilium manually by running the following:

helm install cilium cilium/cilium \
    --version 1.11.2 \
    --namespace kube-system \
    --set ipam.mode=kubernetes

Or if you want to deploy Cilium in strict mode without kube-proxy, also set some extra paramaters:


helm install cilium cilium/cilium \
    --version 1.11.2 \
    --namespace kube-system \
    --set ipam.mode=kubernetes \
    --set kubeProxyReplacement=strict \
    --set k8sServiceHost="${KUBERNETES_API_SERVER_ADDRESS}" \
    --set k8sServicePort="${KUBERNETES_API_SERVER_PORT}"

After Cilium is installed the boot process should continue and complete successfully.

Method 2: Helm manifests install

Instead of directly installing Cilium you can instead first generate the manifest and then apply it:

helm template cilium cilium/cilium \
    --version 1.11.2 \
    --namespace kube-system
    --set ipam.mode=kubernetes > cilium.yaml

kubectl apply -f cilium.yaml

Without kube-proxy:


helm template cilium cilium/cilium \
    --version 1.11.2 \
    --namespace kube-system \
    --set ipam.mode=kubernetes \
    --set kubeProxyReplacement=strict \
    --set k8sServiceHost="${KUBERNETES_API_SERVER_ADDRESS}" \
    --set k8sServicePort="${KUBERNETES_API_SERVER_PORT}" > cilium.yaml

kubectl apply -f cilium.yaml

Method 3: Helm manifests hosted install

After generating cilium.yaml using helm template, instead of applying this manifest directly during the Talos boot window (before the reboot timeout). You can also host this file somewhere and patch the machine config to apply this manifest automatically during bootstrap. To do this patch your machine configuration to include this config instead of the above:

talosctl gen config \
    my-cluster https://mycluster.local:6443 \
    --config-patch '[{"op":"add", "path": "/cluster/network/cni", "value": {"name": "custom", "urls": ["https://server.yourdomain.tld/some/path/cilium.yaml"]}}]'

Resulting in a config that look like this:

name: custom # Name of CNI to use.
# URLs containing manifests to apply for the CNI.
    - https://server.yourdomain.tld/some/path/cilium.yaml

However, beware of the fact that the helm generated Cilium manifest contains sensitive key material. As such you should definitely not host this somewhere publicly accessible.

Method 4: Helm manifests inline install

A more secure option would be to include the helm template output manifest inside the machine configuration. The machine config should be generated with CNI set to none

talosctl gen config \
    my-cluster https://mycluster.local:6443 \
    --config-patch '[{"op":"add", "path": "/cluster/network/cni", "value": {"name": "none"}}]'

if deploying Cilium with kube-proxy disabled, you can also include the following:

talosctl gen config \
    my-cluster https://mycluster.local:6443 \
    --config-patch '[{"op": "add", "path": "/cluster/proxy", "value": {"disabled": true}}, {"op":"add", "path": "/cluster/network/cni", "value": {"name": "none"}}]'

To do so patch this into your machine configuration:

    - name: cilium
      contents: |
        # Source: cilium/templates/cilium-agent/serviceaccount.yaml
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: ServiceAccount
          name: "cilium"
          namespace: kube-system
        # Source: cilium/templates/cilium-operator/serviceaccount.yaml
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: ServiceAccount
        -> Your cilium.yaml file will be pretty long....        

This will install the Cilium manifests at just the right time during bootstrap.

Beware though:

  • Changing the namespace when templating with Helm does not generate a manifest containing the yaml to create that namespace. As the inline manifest is processed from top to bottom make sure to manually put the namespace yaml at the start of the inline manifest.
  • Only add the Cilium inline manifest to the control plane nodes machine configuration.
  • Make sure all control plane nodes have an identical configuration.
  • If you delete any of the generated resources they will be restored whenever a control plane node reboots.
  • As a safety measure Talos only creates missing resources from inline manifests, it never deletes or updates anything.
  • If you need to update a manifest make sure to first edit all control plane machine configurations and then run talosctl upgrade-k8s as it will take care of updating inline manifests.

Known issues

Other things to know

  • Talos has full kernel module support for eBPF, See:

  • Talos also includes the modules:


    This allows you to set --set enableXTSocketFallback=false on the helm install/template command preventing Cilium from disabling the ip_early_demux kernel feature. This will win back some performance.

15 - Deploying Metrics Server

In this guide you will learn how to set up metrics-server.

Metrics Server enables use of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Vertical Pod Autoscaler. It does this by gathering metrics data from the kubelets in a cluster. By default, the certificates in use by the kubelets will not be recognized by metrics-server. This can be solved by either configuring metrics-server to do no validation of the TLS certificates, or by modifying the kubelet configuration to rotate its certificates and use ones that will be recognized by metrics-server.

Node Configuration

To enable kubelet certificate rotation, all nodes should have the following Machine Config snippet:

      rotate-server-certificates: true

Install During Bootstrap

We will want to ensure that new certificates for the kubelets are approved automatically. This can easily be done with the Kubelet Serving Certificate Approver, which will automatically approve the Certificate Signing Requests generated by the kubelets.

We can have Kubelet Serving Certificate Approver and metrics-server installed on the cluster automatically during bootstrap by adding the following snippet to the Cluster Config of the node that will be handling the bootstrap process:

    - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1989hu/kubelet-serving-cert-approver/main/deploy/standalone-install.yaml
    - https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server/releases/latest/download/components.yaml

Install After Bootstrap

If you choose not to use extraManifests to install Kubelet Serving Certificate Approver and metrics-server during bootstrap, you can install them once the cluster is online using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1989hu/kubelet-serving-cert-approver/main/deploy/standalone-install.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server/releases/latest/download/components.yaml

16 - Disaster Recovery

Procedure for snapshotting etcd database and recovering from catastrophic control plane failure.

etcd database backs Kubernetes control plane state, so if the etcd service is unavailable Kubernetes control plane goes down, and the cluster is not recoverable until etcd is recovered with contents. The etcd consistency model builds around the consensus protocol Raft, so for highly-available control plane clusters, loss of one control plane node doesn’t impact cluster health. In general, etcd stays up as long as a sufficient number of nodes to maintain quorum are up. For a three control plane node Talos cluster, this means that the cluster tolerates a failure of any single node, but losing more than one node at the same time leads to complete loss of service. Because of that, it is important to take routine backups of etcd state to have a snapshot to recover cluster from in case of catastrophic failure.


Snapshotting etcd Database

Create a consistent snapshot of etcd database with talosctl etcd snapshot command:

$ talosctl -n <IP> etcd snapshot db.snapshot
etcd snapshot saved to "db.snapshot" (2015264 bytes)
snapshot info: hash c25fd181, revision 4193, total keys 1287, total size 3035136

Note: filename db.snapshot is arbitrary.

This database snapshot can be taken on any healthy control plane node (with IP address <IP> in the example above), as all etcd instances contain exactly same data. It is recommended to configure etcd snapshots to be created on some schedule to allow point-in-time recovery using the latest snapshot.

Disaster Database Snapshot

If etcd cluster is not healthy, the talosctl etcd snapshot command might fail. In that case, copy the database snapshot directly from the control plane node:

talosctl -n <IP> cp /var/lib/etcd/member/snap/db .

This snapshot might not be fully consistent (if the etcd process is running), but it allows for disaster recovery when latest regular snapshot is not available.

Machine Configuration

Machine configuration might be required to recover the node after hardware failure. Backup Talos node machine configuration with the command:

talosctl -n IP get mc v1alpha1 -o yaml | yq eval '.spec' -


Before starting a disaster recovery procedure, make sure that etcd cluster can’t be recovered:

  • get etcd cluster member list on all healthy control plane nodes with talosctl -n IP etcd members command and compare across all members.
  • query etcd health across control plane nodes with talosctl -n IP service etcd.

If the quorum can be restored, restoring quorum might be a better strategy than performing full disaster recovery procedure.

Latest Etcd Snapshot

Get hold of the latest etcd database snapshot. If a snapshot is not fresh enough, create a database snapshot (see above), even if the etcd cluster is unhealthy.

Init Node

Make sure that there are no control plane nodes with machine type init:

$ talosctl -n <IP1>,<IP2>,... get machinetype
NODE         NAMESPACE   TYPE          ID             VERSION   TYPE   config      MachineType   machine-type   2         controlplane   config      MachineType   machine-type   2         controlplane   config      MachineType   machine-type   2         controlplane

Nodes with init type are incompatible with etcd recovery procedure. init node can be converted to controlplane type with talosctl edit mc --on-reboot command followed by node reboot with talosctl reboot command.

Preparing Control Plane Nodes

If some control plane nodes experienced hardware failure, replace them with new nodes. Use machine configuration backup to re-create the nodes with the same secret material and control plane settings to allow workers to join the recovered control plane.

If a control plane node is healthy but etcd isn’t, wipe the node’s EPHEMERAL partition to remove the etcd data directory (make sure a database snapshot is taken before doing this):

talosctl -n <IP> reset --graceful=false --reboot --system-labels-to-wipe=EPHEMERAL

At this point, all control plane nodes should boot up, and etcd service should be in the Preparing state.

Kubernetes control plane endpoint should be pointed to the new control plane nodes if there were any changes to the node addresses.

Recovering from the Backup

Make sure all etcd service instances are in Preparing state:

$ talosctl -n <IP> service etcd
ID       etcd
STATE    Preparing
EVENTS   [Preparing]: Running pre state (17s ago)
         [Waiting]: Waiting for service "cri" to be "up", time sync (18s ago)
         [Waiting]: Waiting for service "cri" to be "up", service "networkd" to be "up", time sync (20s ago)

Execute the bootstrap command against any control plane node passing the path to the etcd database snapshot:

$ talosctl -n <IP> bootstrap --recover-from=./db.snapshot
recovering from snapshot "./db.snapshot": hash c25fd181, revision 4193, total keys 1287, total size 3035136

Note: if database snapshot was copied out directly from the etcd data directory using talosctl cp, add flag --recover-skip-hash-check to skip integrity check on restore.

Talos node should print matching information in the kernel log:

recovering etcd from snapshot: hash c25fd181, revision 4193, total keys 1287, total size 3035136
{"level":"info","msg":"restoring snapshot","path":"/var/lib/etcd.snapshot","wal-dir":"/var/lib/etcd/member/wal","data-dir":"/var/lib/etcd","snap-dir":"/var/li}
{"level":"info","msg":"restored last compact revision","meta-bucket-name":"meta","meta-bucket-name-key":"finishedCompactRev","restored-compact-revision":3360}
{"level":"info","msg":"added member","cluster-id":"a3390e43eb5274e2","local-member-id":"0","added-peer-id":"eb4f6f534361855e","added-peer-peer-urls":["https:/}
{"level":"info","msg":"restored snapshot","path":"/var/lib/etcd.snapshot","wal-dir":"/var/lib/etcd/member/wal","data-dir":"/var/lib/etcd","snap-dir":"/var/lib/etcd/member/snap"}

Now etcd service should become healthy on the bootstrap node, Kubernetes control plane components should start and control plane endpoint should become available. Remaining control plane nodes join etcd cluster once control plane endpoint is up.

Single Control Plane Node Cluster

This guide applies to the single control plane clusters as well. In fact, it is much more important to take regular snapshots of the etcd database in single control plane node case, as loss of the control plane node might render the whole cluster irrecoverable without a backup.

17 - Discovery

Video Walkthrough

To see a live demo of Cluster Discovery, see the video below:


Peers are aggregated from a number of optional registries. By default, Talos will use the kubernetes and service registries. Either one can be disabled. To disable a registry, set disabled to true (this option is the same for all registries): For example, to disable the service registry:

    enabled: true
        disabled: true

Disabling all registries effectively disables member discovery altogether.

As of v0.14, Talos supports the kubernetes and service registries.

Kubernetes registry uses Kubernetes Node resource data and additional Talos annotations:

$ kubectl describe node <nodename>
Annotations:        cluster.talos.dev/node-id: Utoh3O0ZneV0kT2IUBrh7TgdouRcUW2yzaaMl4VXnCd

Service registry uses external Discovery Service to exchange encrypted information about cluster members.

Resource Definitions

Talos v0.14 introduces seven new resources that can be used to introspect the new discovery and KubeSpan features.



The node’s unique identity (base62 encoded random 32 bytes) can be obtained with:

Note: Using base62 allows the ID to be URL encoded without having to use the ambiguous URL-encoding version of base64.

$ talosctl get identities -o yaml
    nodeId: Utoh3O0ZneV0kT2IUBrh7TgdouRcUW2yzaaMl4VXnCd

Node identity is used as the unique Affiliate identifier.

Node identity resource is preserved in the STATE partition in node-identity.yaml file. Node identity is preserved across reboots and upgrades, but it is regenerated if the node is reset (wiped).


An affiliate is a proposed member attributed to the fact that the node has the same cluster ID and secret.

$ talosctl get affiliates
ID                                             VERSION   HOSTNAME                 MACHINE TYPE   ADDRESSES
2VfX3nu67ZtZPl57IdJrU87BMjVWkSBJiL9ulP9TCnF    2         talos-default-master-2   controlplane   ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:986b:7eff:fec5:889d"]
6EVq8RHIne03LeZiJ60WsJcoQOtttw1ejvTS6SOBzhUA   2         talos-default-worker-1   worker         ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:cc80:3dff:fece:d89d"]
NVtfu1bT1QjhNq5xJFUZl8f8I8LOCnnpGrZfPpdN9WlB   2         talos-default-worker-2   worker         ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:2805:fbff:fe80:5ed2"]
Utoh3O0ZneV0kT2IUBrh7TgdouRcUW2yzaaMl4VXnCd    4         talos-default-master-1   controlplane   ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:8c13:71ff:feaf:7c94"]
b3DebkPaCRLTLLWaeRF1ejGaR0lK3m79jRJcPn0mfA6C   2         talos-default-master-3   controlplane   ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:248f:1fff:fe5c:c3f"]

One of the Affiliates with the ID matching node identity is populated from the node data, other Affiliates are pulled from the registries. Enabled discovery registries run in parallel and discovered data is merged to build the list presented above.

Details about data coming from each registry can be queried from the cluster-raw namespace:

$ talosctl get affiliates --namespace=cluster-raw
ID                                                     VERSION   HOSTNAME                 MACHINE TYPE   ADDRESSES
k8s/2VfX3nu67ZtZPl57IdJrU87BMjVWkSBJiL9ulP9TCnF        3         talos-default-master-2   controlplane   ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:986b:7eff:fec5:889d"]
k8s/6EVq8RHIne03LeZiJ60WsJcoQOtttw1ejvTS6SOBzhUA       2         talos-default-worker-1   worker         ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:cc80:3dff:fece:d89d"]
k8s/NVtfu1bT1QjhNq5xJFUZl8f8I8LOCnnpGrZfPpdN9WlB       2         talos-default-worker-2   worker         ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:2805:fbff:fe80:5ed2"]
k8s/b3DebkPaCRLTLLWaeRF1ejGaR0lK3m79jRJcPn0mfA6C       3         talos-default-master-3   controlplane   ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:248f:1fff:fe5c:c3f"]
service/2VfX3nu67ZtZPl57IdJrU87BMjVWkSBJiL9ulP9TCnF    23        talos-default-master-2   controlplane   ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:986b:7eff:fec5:889d"]
service/6EVq8RHIne03LeZiJ60WsJcoQOtttw1ejvTS6SOBzhUA   26        talos-default-worker-1   worker         ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:cc80:3dff:fece:d89d"]
service/NVtfu1bT1QjhNq5xJFUZl8f8I8LOCnnpGrZfPpdN9WlB   20        talos-default-worker-2   worker         ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:2805:fbff:fe80:5ed2"]
service/b3DebkPaCRLTLLWaeRF1ejGaR0lK3m79jRJcPn0mfA6C   14        talos-default-master-3   controlplane   ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:248f:1fff:fe5c:c3f"]

Each Affiliate ID is prefixed with k8s/ for data coming from the Kubernetes registry and with service/ for data coming from the discovery service.


A member is an affiliate that has been approved to join the cluster. The members of the cluster can be obtained with:

$ talosctl get members
ID                       VERSION   HOSTNAME                 MACHINE TYPE   OS                ADDRESSES
talos-default-master-1   2         talos-default-master-1   controlplane   Talos (v0.14.0)   ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:8c13:71ff:feaf:7c94"]
talos-default-master-2   1         talos-default-master-2   controlplane   Talos (v0.14.0)   ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:986b:7eff:fec5:889d"]
talos-default-master-3   1         talos-default-master-3   controlplane   Talos (v0.14.0)   ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:248f:1fff:fe5c:c3f"]
talos-default-worker-1   1         talos-default-worker-1   worker         Talos (v0.14.0)   ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:cc80:3dff:fece:d89d"]
talos-default-worker-2   1         talos-default-worker-2   worker         Talos (v0.14.0)   ["","fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:2805:fbff:fe80:5ed2"]

18 - Disk Encryption

Guide on using system disk encryption

It is possible to enable encryption for system disks at the OS level. As of this writing, only STATE and EPHEMERAL partitions can be encrypted. STATE contains the most sensitive node data: secrets and certs. EPHEMERAL partition may contain some sensitive workload data. Data is encrypted using LUKS2, which is provided by the Linux kernel modules and cryptsetup utility. The operating system will run additional setup steps when encryption is enabled.

If the disk encryption is enabled for the STATE partition, the system will:

  • Save STATE encryption config as JSON in the META partition.
  • Before mounting the STATE partition, load encryption configs either from the machine config or from the META partition. Note that the machine config is always preferred over the META one.
  • Before mounting the STATE partition, format and encrypt it. This occurs only if the STATE partition is empty and has no filesystem.

If the disk encryption is enabled for the EPHEMERAL partition, the system will:

  • Get the encryption config from the machine config.
  • Before mounting the EPHEMERAL partition, encrypt and format it. This occurs only if the EPHEMERAL partition is empty and has no filesystem.


Right now this encryption is disabled by default. To enable disk encryption you should modify the machine configuration with the following options:

        - nodeID: {}
          slot: 0
        - nodeID: {}
          slot: 0

Encryption Keys

Note: What the LUKS2 docs call “keys” are, in reality, a passphrase. When this passphrase is added, LUKS2 runs argon2 to create an actual key from that passphrase.

LUKS2 supports up to 32 encryption keys and it is possible to specify all of them in the machine configuration. Talos always tries to sync the keys list defined in the machine config with the actual keys defined for the LUKS2 partition. So if you update the keys list you should have at least one key that is not changed to be used for keys management.

When you define a key you should specify the key kind and the slot:

      - nodeID: {} # key kind
        slot: 1

      - static:
          passphrase: supersecret
        slot: 0

Take a note that key order does not play any role on which key slot is used. Every key must always have a slot defined.

Encryption Key Kinds

Talos supports two kinds of keys:

  • nodeID which is generated using the node UUID and the partition label (note that if the node UUID is not really random it will fail the entropy check).
  • static which you define right in the configuration.

Note: Use static keys only if your STATE partition is encrypted and only for the EPHEMERAL partition. For the STATE partition it will be stored in the META partition, which is not encrypted.

Key Rotation

It is necessary to do talosctl apply-config a couple of times to rotate keys, since there is a need to always maintain a single working key while changing the other keys around it.

So, for example, first add a new key:

      - static:
          passphrase: oldkey
        slot: 0
      - static:
          passphrase: newkey
        slot: 1


talosctl apply-config -n <node> -f config.yaml

Then remove the old key:

      - static:
          passphrase: newkey
        slot: 1


talosctl apply-config -n <node> -f config.yaml

Going from Unencrypted to Encrypted and Vice Versa

Ephemeral Partition

There is no in-place encryption support for the partitions right now, so to avoid losing any data only empty partitions can be encrypted.

As such, migration from unencrypted to encrypted needs some additional handling, especially around explicitly wiping partitions.

  • apply-config should be called with --on-reboot flag.
  • Partition should be wiped after apply-config, but before the reboot.

Edit your machine config and add the encryption configuration:

vim config.yaml

Apply the configuration with --on-reboot flag:

talosctl apply-config -f config.yaml -n <node ip> --on-reboot

Wipe the partition you’re going to encrypt:

talosctl reset --system-labels-to-wipe EPHEMERAL -n <node ip> --reboot=true

That’s it! After you run the last command, the partition will be wiped and the node will reboot. During the next boot the system will encrypt the partition.

State Partition

Calling wipe against the STATE partition will make the node lose the config, so the previous flow is not going to work.

The flow should be to first wipe the STATE partition:

talosctl reset  --system-labels-to-wipe STATE -n <node ip> --reboot=true

Node will enter into maintenance mode, then run apply-config with --insecure flag:

talosctl apply-config --insecure -n <node ip> -f config.yaml

After installation is complete the node should encrypt the STATE partition.

19 - Editing Machine Configuration

How to edit and patch Talos machine configuration, with reboot, immediately, or stage update on reboot.

Talos node state is fully defined by machine configuration. Initial configuration is delivered to the node at bootstrap time, but configuration can be updated while the node is running.

Note: Be sure that config is persisted so that configuration updates are not overwritten on reboots. Configuration persistence was enabled by default since Talos 0.5 (persist: true in machine configuration).

There are three talosctl commands which facilitate machine configuration updates:

  • talosctl apply-config to apply configuration from the file
  • talosctl edit machineconfig to launch an editor with existing node configuration, make changes and apply configuration back
  • talosctl patch machineconfig to apply automated machine configuration via JSON patch

Each of these commands can operate in one of three modes:

  • apply change with a reboot (default): update configuration, reboot Talos node to apply configuration change
  • apply change immediately (--immediate flag): change is applied immediately without a reboot, only .cluster sub-tree of the machine configuration can be updated in Talos 0.9
  • apply change on next reboot (--on-reboot): change is staged to be applied after a reboot, but node is not rebooted

Note: applying change on next reboot (--on-reboot) doesn’t modify current node configuration, so next call to talosctl edit machineconfig --on-reboot will not see changes

talosctl apply-config

This command is mostly used to submit initial machine configuration to the node (generated by talosctl gen config). It can be used to apply new configuration from the file to the running node as well, but most of the time it’s not convenient, as it doesn’t operate on the current node machine configuration.


talosctl -n <IP> apply-config -f config.yaml

Command apply-config can also be invoked as apply machineconfig:

talosctl -n <IP> apply machineconfig -f config.yaml

Applying machine configuration immediately (without a reboot):

talosctl -n IP apply machineconfig -f config.yaml --immediate

taloctl edit machineconfig

Command talosctl edit loads current machine configuration from the node and launches configured editor to modify the config. If config hasn’t been changed in the editor (or if updated config is empty), update is not applied.

Note: Talos uses environment variables TALOS_EDITOR, EDITOR to pick up the editor preference. If environment variables are missing, vi editor is used by default.


talosctl -n <IP> edit machineconfig

Configuration can be edited for multiple nodes if multiple IP addresses are specified:

talosctl -n <IP1>,<IP2>,... edit machineconfig

Applying machine configuration change immediately (without a reboot):

talosctl -n <IP> edit machineconfig --immediate

talosctl patch machineconfig

Command talosctl patch works similar to talosctl edit command - it loads current machine configuration, but instead of launching configured editor it applies JSON patch to the configuration and writes result back to the node.

Example, updating kubelet version (with a reboot):

$ talosctl -n <IP> patch machineconfig -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/machine/kubelet/image", "value": "ghcr.io/talos-systems/kubelet:v1.20.5"}]'
patched mc at the node <IP>

Updating kube-apiserver version in immediate mode (without a reboot):

$ talosctl -n <IP> patch machineconfig --immediate -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/cluster/apiServer/image", "value": "k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver:v1.20.5"}]'
patched mc at the node <IP>

Patch might be applied to multiple nodes when multiple IPs are specified:

taloctl -n <IP1>,<IP2>,... patch machineconfig --immediate -p '[{...}]'

Recovering from Node Boot Failures

If a Talos node fails to boot because of wrong configuration (for example, control plane endpoint is incorrect), configuration can be updated to fix the issue. If the boot sequence is still running, Talos might refuse applying config in default mode. In that case --on-reboot mode can be used coupled with talosctl reboot command to trigger a reboot and apply configuration update.

20 - KubeSpan

KubeSpan is a feature of Talos that automates the setup and maintenance of a full mesh WireGuard network for your cluster, giving you the ability to operate hybrid Kubernetes clusters that can span the edge, datacenter, and cloud. Management of keys and discovery of peers can be completely automated for a zero-touch experience that makes it simple and easy to create hybrid clusters.

Video Walkthrough

To learn more about KubeSpan, see the video below:

To see a live demo of KubeSpan, see one the videos below:


Creating a New Cluster

To generate configuration files for a new cluster, we can use the --with-kubespan flag in talosctl gen config. This will enable peer discovery and KubeSpan.

    # Provides machine specific network configuration options.
        # Configures KubeSpan feature.
            enabled: true # Enable the KubeSpan feature.
    # Configures cluster member discovery.
        enabled: true # Enable the cluster membership discovery feature.
        # Configure registries used for cluster member discovery.
            # Kubernetes registry uses Kubernetes API server to discover cluster members and stores additional information
            kubernetes: {}
            # Service registry is using an external service to push and pull information about cluster members.
            service: {}
# Provides cluster specific configuration options.
    id: yui150Ogam0pdQoNZS2lZR-ihi8EWxNM17bZPktJKKE= # Globally unique identifier for this cluster.
    secret: dAmFcyNmDXusqnTSkPJrsgLJ38W8oEEXGZKM0x6Orpc= # Shared secret of cluster.

The default discovery service is an external service hosted for free by Sidero Labs. The default value is https://discovery.talos.dev/. Contact Sidero Labs if you need to run this service privately.

Upgrading an Existing Cluster

In order to enable KubeSpan for an existing cluster, upgrade to the latest v0.14. Once your cluster is upgraded, the configuration of each node must contain the globally unique identifier, the shared secret for the cluster, and have KubeSpan and discovery enabled.

Note: Discovery can be used without KubeSpan, but KubeSpan requires at least one discovery registry.

Talos v0.11 or Less

If you are migrating from Talos v0.11 or less, we need to generate a cluster ID and secret.

To generate an id:

$ openssl rand -base64 32

To generate a secret:

$ openssl rand -base64 32

Now, update the configuration of each node with the cluster with the generated id and secret. You should end up with the addition of something like this (your id and secret should be different):

  id: EUsCYz+oHNuBppS51P9aKSIOyYvIPmbZK944PWgiyMQ=
  secret: AbdsWjY9i797kGglghKvtGdxCsdllX9CemLq+WGVeaw=

Note: This can be applied in immediate mode (no reboot required) by passing --immediate to either the edit machineconfig or apply-config subcommands.

Talos v0.12

Enable kubespan and discovery.

      enabled: true
    enabled: true

Resource Definitions


A node’s WireGuard identities can be obtained with:

$ talosctl get kubespanidentities -o yaml
    address: fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802:8c13:71ff:feaf:7c94/128
    subnet: fd83:b1f7:fcb5:2802::/64
    privateKey: gNoasoKOJzl+/B+uXhvsBVxv81OcVLrlcmQ5jQwZO08=
    publicKey: NzW8oeIH5rJyY5lefD9WRoHWWRr/Q6DwsDjMX+xKjT4=

Talos automatically configures unique IPv6 address for each node in the cluster-specific IPv6 ULA prefix.

Wireguard private key is generated for the node, private key never leaves the node while public key is published through the cluster discovery.

KubeSpanIdentity is persisted across reboots and upgrades in STATE partition in the file kubespan-identity.yaml.


A node’s WireGuard peers can be obtained with:

$ talosctl get kubespanpeerspecs
ID                                             VERSION   LABEL                    ENDPOINTS
06D9QQOydzKrOL7oeLiqHy9OWE8KtmJzZII2A5/FLFI=   2         talos-default-master-2   [""]
THtfKtfNnzJs1nMQKs5IXqK0DFXmM//0WMY+NnaZrhU=   2         talos-default-master-3   [""]
nVHu7l13uZyk0AaI1WuzL2/48iG8af4WRv+LWmAax1M=   2         talos-default-worker-2   [""]
zXP0QeqRo+CBgDH1uOBiQ8tA+AKEQP9hWkqmkE/oDlc=   2         talos-default-worker-1   [""]

The peer ID is the Wireguard public key. KubeSpanPeerSpecs are built from the cluster discovery data.


The status of a node’s WireGuard peers can be obtained with:

$ talosctl get kubespanpeerstatuses
ID                                             VERSION   LABEL                    ENDPOINT           STATE   RX         TX
06D9QQOydzKrOL7oeLiqHy9OWE8KtmJzZII2A5/FLFI=   63        talos-default-master-2   up      15043220   17869488
THtfKtfNnzJs1nMQKs5IXqK0DFXmM//0WMY+NnaZrhU=   62        talos-default-master-3   up      14573208   18157680
nVHu7l13uZyk0AaI1WuzL2/48iG8af4WRv+LWmAax1M=   60        talos-default-worker-2   up      130072     46888
zXP0QeqRo+CBgDH1uOBiQ8tA+AKEQP9hWkqmkE/oDlc=   60        talos-default-worker-1   up      130044     46556

KubeSpan peer status includes following information:

  • the actual endpoint used for peer communication
  • link state:
    • unknown: the endpoint was just changed, link state is not known yet
    • up: there is a recent handshake from the peer
    • down: there is no handshake from the peer
  • number of bytes sent/received over the Wireguard link with the peer

If the connection state goes down, Talos will be cycling through the available endpoints until it finds the one which works.

Peer status information is updated every 30 seconds.


A node’s WireGuard endpoints (peer addresses) can be obtained with:

$ talosctl get kubespanendpoints
ID                                             VERSION   ENDPOINT           AFFILIATE ID
06D9QQOydzKrOL7oeLiqHy9OWE8KtmJzZII2A5/FLFI=   1   2VfX3nu67ZtZPl57IdJrU87BMjVWkSBJiL9ulP9TCnF
THtfKtfNnzJs1nMQKs5IXqK0DFXmM//0WMY+NnaZrhU=   1   b3DebkPaCRLTLLWaeRF1ejGaR0lK3m79jRJcPn0mfA6C
nVHu7l13uZyk0AaI1WuzL2/48iG8af4WRv+LWmAax1M=   1   NVtfu1bT1QjhNq5xJFUZl8f8I8LOCnnpGrZfPpdN9WlB
zXP0QeqRo+CBgDH1uOBiQ8tA+AKEQP9hWkqmkE/oDlc=   1   6EVq8RHIne03LeZiJ60WsJcoQOtttw1ejvTS6SOBzhUA

The endpoint ID is the base64 encoded WireGuard public key.

The observed endpoints are submitted back to the discovery service (if enabled) so that other peers can try additional endpoints to establish the connection.

21 - Logging

Viewing logs

Kernel messages can be retrieved with talosctl dmesg command:

$ talosctl -n dmesg kern:    info: [2021-11-10T10:09:37.662764956Z]: Command line: init_on_alloc=1 slab_nomerge pti=on consoleblank=0 nvme_core.io_timeout=4294967295 random.trust_cpu=on printk.devkmsg=on ima_template=ima-ng ima_appraise=fix ima_hash=sha512 console=ttyS0 reboot=k panic=1 talos.shutdown=halt talos.platform=metal talos.config=

Service logs can be retrieved with talosctl logs command:

$ talosctl -n services

NODE         SERVICE      STATE     HEALTH   LAST CHANGE   LAST EVENT   apid         Running   OK       19m27s ago    Health check successful   containerd   Running   OK       19m29s ago    Health check successful   cri          Running   OK       19m27s ago    Health check successful   etcd         Running   OK       19m22s ago    Health check successful   kubelet      Running   OK       19m20s ago    Health check successful   machined     Running   ?        19m30s ago    Service started as goroutine   trustd       Running   OK       19m27s ago    Health check successful   udevd        Running   OK       19m28s ago    Health check successful

$ talosctl -n logs machined [talos] task setupLogger (1/1): done, 106.109µs [talos] phase logger (1/7): done, 564.476µs

Container logs for Kubernetes pods can be retrieved with talosctl logs -k command:

$ talosctl -n containers -k
NODE         NAMESPACE   ID                                                 IMAGE                                                         PID    STATUS   k8s.io      kube-system/kube-flannel-dk6d5                     k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.5                                          1329   SANDBOX_READY   k8s.io      └─ kube-system/kube-flannel-dk6d5:install-cni      ghcr.io/talos-systems/install-cni:v0.7.0-alpha.0-1-g2bb2efc   0      CONTAINER_EXITED   k8s.io      └─ kube-system/kube-flannel-dk6d5:install-config   quay.io/coreos/flannel:v0.13.0                                0      CONTAINER_EXITED   k8s.io      └─ kube-system/kube-flannel-dk6d5:kube-flannel     quay.io/coreos/flannel:v0.13.0                                1610   CONTAINER_RUNNING   k8s.io      kube-system/kube-proxy-gfkqj                       k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.5                                          1311   SANDBOX_READY   k8s.io      └─ kube-system/kube-proxy-gfkqj:kube-proxy         k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy:v1.23.0                                 1379   CONTAINER_RUNNING

$ talosctl -n logs -k kube-system/kube-proxy-gfkqj:kube-proxy 2021-11-30T19:13:20.567825192Z stderr F I1130 19:13:20.567737       1 server_others.go:138] "Detected node IP" address="" 2021-11-30T19:13:20.599684397Z stderr F I1130 19:13:20.599613       1 server_others.go:206] "Using iptables Proxier"

Sending logs

Service logs

You can enable logs sendings in machine configuration:

      - endpoint: "udp://"
        format: "json_lines"
      - endpoint: "tcp://host:5044/"
        format: "json_lines"

Several destinations can be specified. Supported protocols are UDP and TCP. The only currently supported format is json_lines:

  "msg": "[talos] apply config request: immediate true, on reboot false",
  "talos-level": "info",
  "talos-service": "machined",
  "talos-time": "2021-11-10T10:48:49.294858021Z"

Messages are newline-separated when sent over TCP. Over UDP messages are sent with one message per packet. msg, talos-level, talos-service, and talos-time fields are always present; there may be additional fields.

Kernel logs

Kernel log delivery can be enabled with the talos.logging.kernel kernel command line argument, which can be specified in the .machine.installer.extraKernelArgs:

      - talos.logging.kernel=tcp://host:5044/

Kernel log destination is specified in the same way as service log endpoint. The only supported format is json_lines.

Sample message:

  "clock":6252819, // time relative to the kernel boot time
  "msg":"[talos] task startAllServices (1/1): waiting for 6 services\n",
  "talos-level":"warn", // Talos-translated `priority` into common logging level
  "talos-time":"2021-11-26T16:53:21.3258698Z" // Talos-translated `clock` using current time

extraKernelArgs in the machine configuration are only applied on Talos upgrades, not just by applying the config. (Upgrading to the same version is fine).

Filebeat example

To forward logs to other Log collection services, one way to do this is sending them to a Filebeat running in the cluster itself (in the host network), which takes care of forwarding it to other endpoints (and the necessary transformations).

If Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes is being used, the following Beat (custom resource) configuration might be helpful:

apiVersion: beat.k8s.elastic.co/v1beta1
kind: Beat
  name: talos
  type: filebeat
  version: 7.15.1
    name: talos
      - type: "udp"
        host: ""
          - decode_json_fields:
              fields: ["message"]
              target: ""
          - timestamp:
              field: "talos-time"
                - "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"
          - drop_fields:
              fields: ["message", "talos-time"]
          - rename:
                - from: "msg"
                  to: "message"

        maxUnavailable: 100%
        dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
        hostNetwork: true
          runAsUser: 0
          - name: filebeat
              - protocol: UDP
                containerPort: 12345
                hostPort: 12345

The input configuration ensures that messages and timestamps are extracted properly. Refer to the Filebeat documentation on how to forward logs to other outputs.

Also note the hostNetwork: true in the daemonSet configuration.

This ensures filebeat uses the host network, and listens on (UDP) on every machine, which can then be specified as a logging endpoint in the machine configuration.

22 - Managing PKI

Generating an Administrator Key Pair

In order to create a key pair, you will need the root CA.

Save the CA public key, and CA private key as ca.crt, and ca.key respectively. Now, run the following commands to generate a certificate:

talosctl gen key --name admin
talosctl gen csr --key admin.key --ip
talosctl gen crt --ca ca --csr admin.csr --name admin

Now, base64 encode admin.crt, and admin.key:

cat admin.crt | base64
cat admin.key | base64

You can now set the crt and key fields in the talosconfig to the base64 encoded strings.

Renewing an Expired Administrator Certificate

In order to renew the certificate, you will need the root CA, and the admin private key. The base64 encoded key can be found in any one of the control plane node’s configuration file. Where it is exactly will depend on the specific version of the configuration file you are using.

Save the CA public key, CA private key, and admin private key as ca.crt, ca.key, and admin.key respectively. Now, run the following commands to generate a certificate:

talosctl gen csr --key admin.key --ip
talosctl gen crt --ca ca --csr admin.csr --name admin

You should see admin.crt in your current directory. Now, base64 encode admin.crt:

cat admin.crt | base64

You can now set the certificate in the talosconfig to the base64 encoded string.

23 - Resetting a Machine

From time to time, it may be beneficial to reset a Talos machine to its “original” state. Bear in mind that this is a destructive action for the given machine. Doing this means removing the machine from Kubernetes, Etcd (if applicable), and clears any data on the machine that would normally persist a reboot.

WARNING: Running a talosctl reset on cloud VM’s might result in the VM being unable to boot as this wipes the entire disk. It might be more useful to just wipe the STATE and EPHEMERAL partitions on a cloud VM if not booting via iPXE. talosctl reset --system-labels-to-wipe STATE --system-labels-to-wipe EPHEMERAL

The API command for doing this is talosctl reset. There are a couple of flags as part of this command:

      --graceful                        if true, attempt to cordon/drain node and leave etcd (if applicable) (default true)
      --reboot                          if true, reboot the node after resetting instead of shutting down
      --system-labels-to-wipe strings   if set, just wipe selected system disk partitions by label but keep other partitions intact keep other partitions intact

The graceful flag is especially important when considering HA vs. non-HA Talos clusters. If the machine is part of an HA cluster, a normal, graceful reset should work just fine right out of the box as long as the cluster is in a good state. However, if this is a single node cluster being used for testing purposes, a graceful reset is not an option since Etcd cannot be “left” if there is only a single member. In this case, reset should be used with --graceful=false to skip performing checks that would normally block the reset.

24 - Role-based access control (RBAC)

Talos v0.11 introduced initial support for role-based access control (RBAC). This guide will explain what that is and how to enable it without losing access to the cluster.

RBAC in Talos

Talos uses certificates to authorize users. The certificate subject’s organization field is used to encode user roles. There is a set of predefined roles that allow access to different API methods:

  • os:admin grants access to all methods;
  • os:reader grants access to “safe” methods (for example, that includes the ability to list files, but does not include the ability to read files content);
  • os:etcd:backup grants access to /machine.MachineService/EtcdSnapshot method.

Roles in the current talosconfig can be checked with the following command:

$ talosctl config info

Roles:               os:admin

RBAC is enabled by default in new clusters created with talosctl v0.11+ and disabled otherwise.

Enabling RBAC

First, both the Talos cluster and talosctl tool should be upgraded. Then the talosctl config new command should be used to generate a new client configuration with the os:admin role. Additional configurations and certificates for different roles can be generated by passing --roles flag:

talosctl config new --roles=os:reader reader

That command will create a new client configuration file reader with a new certificate with os:reader role.

After that, RBAC should be enabled in the machine configuration:

    rbac: true

25 - Storage

In Kubernetes, using storage in the right way is well-facilitated by the API.
However, unless you are running in a major public cloud, that API may not be hooked up to anything. This frequently sends users down a rabbit hole of researching all the various options for storage backends for their platform, for Kubernetes, and for their workloads. There are a lot of options out there, and it can be fairly bewildering.

For Talos, we try to limit the options somewhat to make the decision-making easier.

Public Cloud

If you are running on a major public cloud, use their block storage. It is easy and automatic.

Storage Clusters

Talos recommends having a separate disks (apart from the Talos install disk) to be used for storage.

Redundancy in storage is usually very important. Scaling capabilities, reliability, speed, maintenance load, and ease of use are all factors you must consider when managing your own storage.

Running a storage cluster can be a very good choice when managing your own storage, and there are two project we recommend, depending on your situation.

If you need vast amounts of storage composed of more than a dozen or so disks, just use Rook to manage Ceph. Also, if you need both mount-once and mount-many capabilities, Ceph is your answer. Ceph also bundles in an S3-compatible object store. The down side of Ceph is that there are a lot of moving parts.

Please note that most people should never use mount-many semantics. NFS is pervasive because it is old and easy, not because it is a good idea. While it may seem like a convenience at first, there are all manner of locking, performance, change control, and reliability concerns inherent in any mount-many situation, so we strongly recommend you avoid this method.

If your storage needs are small enough to not need Ceph, use Mayastor.


Ceph is the grandfather of open source storage clusters. It is big, has a lot of pieces, and will do just about anything. It scales better than almost any other system out there, open source or proprietary, being able to easily add and remove storage over time with no downtime, safely and easily. It comes bundled with RadosGW, an S3-compatible object store. It comes with CephFS, a NFS-like clustered filesystem. And of course, it comes with RBD, a block storage system.

With the help of Rook, the vast majority of the complexity of Ceph is hidden away by a very robust operator, allowing you to control almost everything about your Ceph cluster from fairly simple Kubernetes CRDs.

So if Ceph is so great, why not use it for everything?

Ceph can be rather slow for small clusters. It relies heavily on CPUs and massive parallelisation to provide good cluster performance, so if you don’t have much of those dedicated to Ceph, it is not going to be well-optimised for you. Also, if your cluster is small, just running Ceph may eat up a significant amount of the resources you have available.

Troubleshooting Ceph can be difficult if you do not understand its architecture. There are lots of acronyms and the documentation assumes a fair level of knowledge. There are very good tools for inspection and debugging, but this is still frequently seen as a concern.


Mayastor is an OpenEBS project built in Rust utilising the modern NVMEoF system. (Despite the name, Mayastor does not require you to have NVME drives.) It is fast and lean but still cluster-oriented and cloud native. Unlike most of the other OpenEBS project, it is not built on the ancient iSCSI system.

Unlike Ceph, Mayastor is just a block store. It focuses on block storage and does it well. It is much less complicated to set up than Ceph, but you probably wouldn’t want to use it for more than a few dozen disks.

Mayastor is new, maybe too new. If you’re looking for something well-tested and battle-hardened, this is not it. If you’re looking for something lean, future-oriented, and simpler than Ceph, it might be a great choice.

Video Walkthrough

To see a live demo of this section, see the video below:

Prep Nodes

Either during initial cluster creation or on running worker nodes, several machine config values should be edited. This information is gathered from the Mayastor documentation. We need to set the vm.nr_hugepages sysctl and add openebs.io/engine=mayastor labels to the nodes which are meant to be storage nodes This can be done with talosctl patch machineconfig or via config patches during talosctl gen config.

Some examples are shown below, modify as needed.

Using gen config

talosctl gen config my-cluster https://mycluster.local:6443 --config-patch '[{"op": "add", "path": "/machine/sysctls", "value": {"vm.nr_hugepages": "1024"}}, {"op": "add", "path": "/machine/kubelet/extraArgs", "value": {"node-labels": "openebs.io/engine=mayastor"}}]'

Patching an existing node

talosctl patch --immediate machineconfig -n <node ip> --patch '[{"op": "add", "path": "/machine/sysctls", "value": {"vm.nr_hugepages": "1024"}}, {"op": "add", "path": "/machine/kubelet/extraArgs", "value": {"node-labels": "openebs.io/engine=mayastor"}}]'

Note: If you are adding/updating the vm.nr_hugepages on a node which already had the openebs.io/engine=mayastor label set, you’d need to restart kubelet so that it picks up the new value, by issuing the following command

talosctl -n <node ip> service kubelet restart

Deploy Mayastor

Continue setting up Mayastor using the official documentation.


NFS is an old pack animal long past its prime. However, it is supported by a wide variety of systems. You don’t want to use it unless you have to, but unfortunately, that “have to” is too frequent.

NFS is slow, has all kinds of bottlenecks involving contention, distributed locking, single points of service, and more.

The NFS client is part of the kubelet image maintained by the Talos team. This means that the version installed in your running kubelet is the version of NFS supported by Talos. You can reduce some of the contention problems by parceling Persistent Volumes from separate underlying directories.

Object storage

Ceph comes with an S3-compatible object store, but there are other options, as well. These can often be built on top of other storage backends. For instance, you may have your block storage running with Mayastor but assign a Pod a large Persistent Volume to serve your object store.

One of the most popular open source add-on object stores is MinIO.

Others (iSCSI)

The most common remaining systems involve iSCSI in one form or another. This includes things like the original OpenEBS, Rancher’s Longhorn, and many proprietary systems. Unfortunately, Talos does not support iSCSI-based systems. iSCSI in Linux is facilitated by open-iscsi. This system was designed long before containers caught on, and it is not well suited to the task, especially when coupled with a read-only host operating system.

One day, we hope to work out a solution for facilitating iSCSI-based systems, but this is not yet available.

26 - Troubleshooting Control Plane

Troubleshoot control plane failures for running cluster and bootstrap process.

This guide is written as series of topics and detailed answers for each topic. It starts with basics of control plane and goes into Talos specifics.

In this guide we assume that Talos client config is available and Talos API access is available. Kubernetes client configuration can be pulled from control plane nodes with talosctl -n <IP> kubeconfig (this command works before Kubernetes is fully booted).

What is a control plane node?

Talos nodes which have .machine.type of init and controlplane are control plane nodes.

The only difference between init and controlplane nodes is that init node automatically bootstraps a single-node etcd cluster on a first boot if the etcd data directory is empty. A node with type init can be replaced with a controlplane node which is triggered to run etcd bootstrap with talosctl --nodes <IP> bootstrap command.

Use of init type nodes is discouraged, as it might lead to split-brain scenario if one node in existing cluster is reinstalled while config type is still init.

It is critical to make sure only one control plane runs in bootstrap mode (either with node type init or via bootstrap API/talosctl bootstrap), as having more than node in bootstrap mode leads to split-brain scenario (multiple etcd clusters are built instead of a single cluster).

What is special about control plane node?

Control plane nodes in Talos run etcd which provides data store for Kubernetes and Kubernetes control plane components (kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler).

Control plane nodes are tainted by default to prevent workloads from being scheduled to control plane nodes.

How many control plane nodes should be deployed?

With a single control plane node, cluster is not HA: if that single node experiences hardware failure, cluster control plane is broken and can’t be recovered. Single control plane node clusters are still used as test clusters and in edge deployments, but it should be noted that this setup is not HA.

Number of control plane should be odd (1, 3, 5, …), as with even number of nodes, etcd quorum doesn’t tolerate failures correctly: e.g. with 2 control plane nodes quorum is 2, so failure of any node breaks quorum, so this setup is almost equivalent to single control plane node cluster.

With three control plane nodes cluster can tolerate a failure of any single control plane node. With five control plane nodes cluster can tolerate failure of any two control plane nodes.

What is control plane endpoint?

Kubernetes requires having a control plane endpoint which points to any healthy API server running on a control plane node. Control plane endpoint is specified as URL like https://endpoint:6443/. At any point in time, even during failures control plane endpoint should point to a healthy API server instance. As kube-apiserver runs with host network, control plane endpoint should point to one of the control plane node IPs: node1:6443, node2:6443, …

For single control plane node clusters, control plane endpoint might be https://IP:6443/ or https://DNS:6443/, where IP is the IP of the control plane node and DNS points to IP. DNS form of the endpoint allows to change the IP address of the control plane if that IP changes over time.

For HA clusters, control plane can be implemented as:

  • TCP L7 loadbalancer with active health checks against port 6443
  • round-robin DNS with active health checks against port 6443
  • BGP anycast IP with health checks
  • virtual shared L2 IP

It is critical that control plane endpoint works correctly during cluster bootstrap phase, as nodes discover each other using control plane endpoint.

kubelet is not running on control plane node

Service kubelet should be running on control plane node as soon as networking is configured:

$ talosctl -n <IP> service kubelet
ID       kubelet
STATE    Running
EVENTS   [Running]: Health check successful (2m54s ago)
         [Running]: Health check failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused (3m4s ago)
         [Running]: Started task kubelet (PID 2334) for container kubelet (3m6s ago)
         [Preparing]: Creating service runner (3m6s ago)
         [Preparing]: Running pre state (3m15s ago)
         [Waiting]: Waiting for service "timed" to be "up" (3m15s ago)
         [Waiting]: Waiting for service "cri" to be "up", service "timed" to be "up" (3m16s ago)
         [Waiting]: Waiting for service "cri" to be "up", service "networkd" to be "up", service "timed" to be "up" (3m18s ago)

If kubelet is not running, it might be caused by wrong configuration, check kubelet logs with talosctl logs:

$ talosctl -n <IP> logs kubelet I0305 20:45:07.756948    2334 controller.go:101] kubelet config controller: starting controller I0305 20:45:07.756995    2334 controller.go:267] kubelet config controller: ensuring filesystem is set up correctly I0305 20:45:07.757000    2334 fsstore.go:59] kubelet config controller: initializing config checkpoints directory "/etc/kubernetes/kubelet/store"

etcd is not running on bootstrap node

etcd should be running on bootstrap node immediately (bootstrap node is either init node or controlplane node after talosctl bootstrap command was issued). When node boots for the first time, etcd data directory /var/lib/etcd directory is empty and Talos launches etcd in a mode to build the initial cluster of a single node. At this time /var/lib/etcd directory becomes non-empty and etcd runs as usual.

If etcd is not running, check service etcd state:

$ talosctl -n <IP> service etcd
ID       etcd
STATE    Running
EVENTS   [Running]: Health check successful (3m21s ago)
         [Running]: Started task etcd (PID 2343) for container etcd (3m26s ago)
         [Preparing]: Creating service runner (3m26s ago)
         [Preparing]: Running pre state (3m26s ago)
         [Waiting]: Waiting for service "cri" to be "up", service "networkd" to be "up", service "timed" to be "up" (3m26s ago)

If service is stuck in Preparing state for bootstrap node, it might be related to slow network - at this stage Talos pulls etcd image from the container registry.

If etcd service is crashing and restarting, check service logs with talosctl -n <IP> logs etcd. Most common reasons for crashes are:

  • wrong arguments passed via extraArgs in the configuration;
  • booting Talos on non-empty disk with previous Talos installation, /var/lib/etcd contains data from old cluster.

etcd is not running on non-bootstrap control plane node

Service etcd on non-bootstrap control plane node waits for Kubernetes to boot successfully on bootstrap node to find other peers to build a cluster. As soon as bootstrap node boots Kubernetes control plane components, and kubectl get endpoints returns IP of bootstrap control plane node, other control plane nodes will start joining the cluster followed by Kubernetes control plane components on each control plane node.

Kubernetes static pod definitions are not generated

Talos should write down static pod definitions for the Kubernetes control plane:

$ talosctl -n <IP> ls /etc/kubernetes/manifests
NODE         NAME   .   talos-kube-apiserver.yaml   talos-kube-controller-manager.yaml   talos-kube-scheduler.yaml

If static pod definitions are not rendered, check etcd and kubelet service health (see above), and controller runtime logs (talosctl logs controller-runtime).

Talos prints error an error on the server ("") has prevented the request from succeeding

This is expected during initial cluster bootstrap and sometimes after a reboot:

[   70.093289] [talos] task labelNodeAsMaster (1/1): starting
[   80.094038] [talos] retrying error: an error on the server ("") has prevented the request from succeeding (get nodes talos-default-master-1)

Initially kube-apiserver component is not running yet, and it takes some time before it becomes fully up during bootstrap (image should be pulled from the Internet, etc.) Once control plane endpoint is up Talos should proceed.

If Talos doesn’t proceed further, it might be a configuration issue.

In any case, status of control plane components can be checked with talosctl containers -k:

$ talosctl -n <IP> containers --kubernetes
NODE         NAMESPACE   ID                                                                                      IMAGE                                        PID    STATUS   k8s.io      kube-system/kube-apiserver-talos-default-master-1                                       k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.2                         2539   SANDBOX_READY   k8s.io      └─ kube-system/kube-apiserver-talos-default-master-1:kube-apiserver                     k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver:v1.20.4            2572   CONTAINER_RUNNING

If kube-apiserver shows as CONTAINER_EXITED, it might have exited due to configuration error. Logs can be checked with taloctl logs --kubernetes (or with -k as a shorthand):

$ talosctl -n <IP> logs -k kube-system/kube-apiserver-talos-default-master-1:kube-apiserver 2021-03-05T20:46:13.133902064Z stderr F 2021/03/05 20:46:13 Running command: 2021-03-05T20:46:13.133933824Z stderr F Command env: (log-file=, also-stdout=false, redirect-stderr=true) 2021-03-05T20:46:13.133938524Z stderr F Run from directory: 2021-03-05T20:46:13.13394154Z stderr F Executable path: /usr/local/bin/kube-apiserver

Talos prints error nodes "talos-default-master-1" not found

This error means that kube-apiserver is up, and control plane endpoint is healthy, but kubelet hasn’t got its client certificate yet and wasn’t able to register itself.

For the kubelet to get its client certificate, following conditions should apply:

  • control plane endpoint is healthy (kube-apiserver is running)
  • bootstrap manifests got successfully deployed (for CSR auto-approval)
  • kube-controller-manager is running

CSR state can be checked with kubectl get csr:

$ kubectl get csr
NAME        AGE   SIGNERNAME                                    REQUESTOR                 CONDITION
csr-jcn9j   14m   kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client-kubelet   system:bootstrap:q9pyzr   Approved,Issued
csr-p6b9q   14m   kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client-kubelet   system:bootstrap:q9pyzr   Approved,Issued
csr-sw6rm   14m   kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client-kubelet   system:bootstrap:q9pyzr   Approved,Issued
csr-vlghg   14m   kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client-kubelet   system:bootstrap:q9pyzr   Approved,Issued

Talos prints error node not ready

Node in Kubernetes is marked as Ready once CNI is up. It takes a minute or two for the CNI images to be pulled and for the CNI to start. If the node is stuck in this state for too long, check CNI pods and logs with kubectl, usually CNI resources are created in kube-system namespace. For example, for Talos default Flannel CNI:

$ kubectl -n kube-system get pods
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-flannel-25drx                               1/1     Running   0          23m
kube-flannel-8lmb6                               1/1     Running   0          23m
kube-flannel-gl7nx                               1/1     Running   0          23m
kube-flannel-jknt9                               1/1     Running   0          23m

Talos prints error x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Full error might look like:

x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possiby because of crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "kubernetes"

Commonly, the control plane endpoint points to a different cluster, as the client certificate generated by Talos doesn’t match CA of the cluster at control plane endpoint.

etcd is running on bootstrap node, but stuck in pre state on non-bootstrap nodes

Please see question etcd is not running on non-bootstrap control plane node.

Checking kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler

If control plane endpoint is up, status of the pods can be performed with kubectl:

$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-controller-manager
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-controller-manager-talos-default-master-1   1/1     Running   0          28m
kube-controller-manager-talos-default-master-2   1/1     Running   0          28m
kube-controller-manager-talos-default-master-3   1/1     Running   0          28m

If control plane endpoint is not up yet, container status can be queried with talosctl containers --kubernetes:

$ talosctl -n <IP> c -k
NODE         NAMESPACE   ID                                                                                      IMAGE                                        PID    STATUS
...   k8s.io      kube-system/kube-controller-manager-talos-default-master-1                              k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.2                         2547   SANDBOX_READY   k8s.io      └─ kube-system/kube-controller-manager-talos-default-master-1:kube-controller-manager   k8s.gcr.io/kube-controller-manager:v1.20.4   2580   CONTAINER_RUNNING   k8s.io      kube-system/kube-scheduler-talos-default-master-1                                       k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.2                         2638   SANDBOX_READY   k8s.io      └─ kube-system/kube-scheduler-talos-default-master-1:kube-scheduler                     k8s.gcr.io/kube-scheduler:v1.20.4            2670   CONTAINER_RUNNING

If some of the containers are not running, it could be that image is still being pulled. Otherwise process might crashing, in that case logs can be checked with talosctl logs --kubernetes <containerID>:

$ talosctl -n <IP> logs -k kube-system/kube-controller-manager-talos-default-master-1:kube-controller-manager 2021-03-09T13:59:34.291667526Z stderr F 2021/03/09 13:59:34 Running command: 2021-03-09T13:59:34.291702262Z stderr F Command env: (log-file=, also-stdout=false, redirect-stderr=true) 2021-03-09T13:59:34.291707121Z stderr F Run from directory: 2021-03-09T13:59:34.291710908Z stderr F Executable path: /usr/local/bin/kube-controller-manager 2021-03-09T13:59:34.291719163Z stderr F Args (comma-delimited): /usr/local/bin/kube-controller-manager,--allocate-node-cidrs=true,--cloud-provider=,--cluster-cidr=,--service-cluster-ip-range=,--cluster-signing-cert-file=/system/secrets/kubernetes/kube-controller-manager/ca.crt,--cluster-signing-key-file=/system/secrets/kubernetes/kube-controller-manager/ca.key,--configure-cloud-routes=false,--kubeconfig=/system/secrets/kubernetes/kube-controller-manager/kubeconfig,--leader-elect=true,--root-ca-file=/system/secrets/kubernetes/kube-controller-manager/ca.crt,--service-account-private-key-file=/system/secrets/kubernetes/kube-controller-manager/service-account.key,--profiling=false 2021-03-09T13:59:34.293870359Z stderr F 2021/03/09 13:59:34 Now listening for interrupts 2021-03-09T13:59:34.761113762Z stdout F I0309 13:59:34.760982      10 serving.go:331] Generated self-signed cert in-memory

Checking controller runtime logs

Talos runs a set of controllers which work on resources to build and support Kubernetes control plane.

Some debugging information can be queried from the controller logs with talosctl logs controller-runtime:

$ talosctl -n <IP> logs controller-runtime 2021/03/09 13:57:11  secrets.EtcdController: controller starting 2021/03/09 13:57:11  config.MachineTypeController: controller starting 2021/03/09 13:57:11  k8s.ManifestApplyController: controller starting 2021/03/09 13:57:11  v1alpha1.BootstrapStatusController: controller starting 2021/03/09 13:57:11  v1alpha1.TimeStatusController: controller starting

Controllers run reconcile loop, so they might be starting, failing and restarting, that is expected behavior. Things to look for:

v1alpha1.BootstrapStatusController: bootkube initialized status not found: control plane is not self-hosted, running with static pods.

k8s.KubeletStaticPodController: writing static pod "/etc/kubernetes/manifests/talos-kube-apiserver.yaml": static pod definitions were rendered successfully.

k8s.ManifestApplyController: controller failed: error creating mapping for object /v1/Secret/bootstrap-token-q9pyzr: an error on the server ("") has prevented the request from succeeding: control plane endpoint is not up yet, bootstrap manifests can’t be injected, controller is going to retry.

k8s.KubeletStaticPodController: controller failed: error refreshing pod status: error fetching pod status: an error on the server ("Authorization error (user=apiserver-kubelet-client, verb=get, resource=nodes, subresource=proxy)") has prevented the request from succeeding: kubelet hasn’t been able to contact kube-apiserver yet to push pod status, controller is going to retry.

k8s.ManifestApplyController: created rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1/ClusterRole/psp:privileged: one of the bootstrap manifests got successfully applied.

secrets.KubernetesController: controller failed: missing cluster.aggregatorCA secret: Talos is running with 0.8 configuration, if the cluster was upgraded from 0.8, this is expected, and conversion process will fix machine config automatically. If this cluster was bootstrapped with version 0.9, machine configuration should be regenerated with 0.9 talosctl.

If there are no new messages in controller-runtime log, it means that controllers finished reconciling successfully.

Checking static pod definitions

Talos generates static pod definitions for kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, and kube-scheduler components based on machine configuration. These definitions can be checked as resources with talosctl get staticpods:

$ talosctl -n <IP> get staticpods -o yaml
get staticpods -o yaml
    namespace: controlplane
    type: StaticPods.kubernetes.talos.dev
    id: kube-apiserver
    version: 2
    phase: running
        - k8s.StaticPodStatus("kube-apiserver")
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
            talos.dev/config-version: "1"
            talos.dev/secrets-version: "1"
        creationTimestamp: null
            k8s-app: kube-apiserver
            tier: control-plane
        name: kube-apiserver
        namespace: kube-system

Status of the static pods can queried with talosctl get staticpodstatus:

$ talosctl -n <IP> get staticpodstatus
NODE         NAMESPACE      TYPE              ID                                                           VERSION   READY   controlplane   StaticPodStatus   kube-system/kube-apiserver-talos-default-master-1            1         True   controlplane   StaticPodStatus   kube-system/kube-controller-manager-talos-default-master-1   1         True   controlplane   StaticPodStatus   kube-system/kube-scheduler-talos-default-master-1            1         True

Most important status is Ready printed as last column, complete status can be fetched by adding -o yaml flag.

Checking bootstrap manifests

As part of bootstrap process, Talos injects bootstrap manifests into Kubernetes API server. There are two kinds of manifests: system manifests built-in into Talos and extra manifests downloaded (custom CNI, extra manifests in the machine config):

$ talosctl -n <IP> get manifests
NODE         NAMESPACE      TYPE       ID                               VERSION   controlplane   Manifest   00-kubelet-bootstrapping-token   1   controlplane   Manifest   01-csr-approver-role-binding     1   controlplane   Manifest   01-csr-node-bootstrap            1   controlplane   Manifest   01-csr-renewal-role-binding      1   controlplane   Manifest   02-kube-system-sa-role-binding   1   controlplane   Manifest   03-default-pod-security-policy   1   controlplane   Manifest   05-https://docs.projectcalico.org/manifests/calico.yaml   1   controlplane   Manifest   10-kube-proxy                    1   controlplane   Manifest   11-core-dns                      1   controlplane   Manifest   11-core-dns-svc                  1   controlplane   Manifest   11-kube-config-in-cluster        1

Details of each manifests can be queried by adding -o yaml:

$ talosctl -n <IP> get manifests 01-csr-approver-role-binding --namespace=controlplane -o yaml
    namespace: controlplane
    type: Manifests.kubernetes.talos.dev
    id: 01-csr-approver-role-binding
    version: 1
    phase: running
    - apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
      kind: ClusterRoleBinding
        name: system-bootstrap-approve-node-client-csr
        apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
        kind: ClusterRole
        name: system:certificates.k8s.io:certificatesigningrequests:nodeclient
        - apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
          kind: Group
          name: system:bootstrappers

Worker node is stuck with apid health check failures

Control plane nodes have enough secret material to generate apid server certificates, but worker nodes depend on control plane trustd services to generate certificates. Worker nodes wait for kubelet to join the cluster, then apid queries Kubernetes endpoints via control plane endpoint to find trustd endpoints, and use trustd to issue the certficiate.

So if apid health checks is failing on worker node:

  • make sure control plane endpoint is healthy
  • check that worker node kubelet joined the cluster

27 - Upgrading Kubernetes

This guide covers Kubernetes control plane upgrade for clusters running Talos-managed control plane. If the cluster is still running self-hosted control plane (after upgrade from Talos 0.8), please refer to 0.8 docs.

Video Walkthrough

To see a live demo of this writeup, see the video below:

Automated Kubernetes Upgrade

To check what is going to be upgraded you can run talosctl upgrade-k8s with --dry-run flag:

$ talosctl --nodes <master node> upgrade-k8s --to 1.23.0 --dry-run
WARNING: found resources which are going to be deprecated/migrated in the version 1.22.0
RESOURCE                                                               COUNT
validatingwebhookconfigurations.v1beta1.admissionregistration.k8s.io   4
mutatingwebhookconfigurations.v1beta1.admissionregistration.k8s.io     3
customresourcedefinitions.v1beta1.apiextensions.k8s.io                 25
apiservices.v1beta1.apiregistration.k8s.io                             54
leases.v1beta1.coordination.k8s.io                                     4
automatically detected the lowest Kubernetes version 1.22.4
checking for resource APIs to be deprecated in version 1.23.0
discovered master nodes ["" "" ""]
discovered worker nodes ["" ""]
updating "kube-apiserver" to version "1.23.0"
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-apiserver: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-apiserver: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-apiserver: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
updating "kube-controller-manager" to version "1.23.0"
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-controller-manager: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-controller-manager: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-controller-manager: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
updating "kube-scheduler" to version "1.23.0"
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-scheduler: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-scheduler: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-scheduler: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
updating daemonset "kube-proxy" to version "1.23.0"
skipped in dry-run
updating kubelet to version "1.23.0"
 > "": starting update
 > update kubelet: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
 > "": starting update
 > update kubelet: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
 > "": starting update
 > update kubelet: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
 > "": starting update
 > update kubelet: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
 > "": starting update
 > update kubelet: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > skipped in dry-run
updating manifests
 > apply manifest Secret bootstrap-token-3lb63t
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding system-bootstrap-approve-node-client-csr
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding system-bootstrap-node-bootstrapper
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding system-bootstrap-node-renewal
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding system:default-sa
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ClusterRole psp:privileged
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding psp:privileged
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest PodSecurityPolicy privileged
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ClusterRole flannel
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding flannel
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ServiceAccount flannel
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ConfigMap kube-flannel-cfg
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest DaemonSet kube-flannel
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ServiceAccount kube-proxy
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding kube-proxy
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ServiceAccount coredns
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding system:coredns
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ClusterRole system:coredns
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ConfigMap coredns
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest Deployment coredns
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest Service kube-dns
 > apply skipped in dry run
 > apply manifest ConfigMap kubeconfig-in-cluster
 > apply skipped in dry run

To upgrade Kubernetes from v1.22.4 to v1.23.0 run:

$ talosctl --nodes <master node> upgrade-k8s --to 1.24.0
automatically detected the lowest Kubernetes version 1.22.4
checking for resource APIs to be deprecated in version 1.23.0
discovered master nodes ["" "" ""]
discovered worker nodes ["" ""]
updating "kube-apiserver" to version "1.23.0"
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-apiserver: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for API server state pod update
 < "": successfully updated
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-apiserver: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for API server state pod update
 < "": successfully updated
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-apiserver: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for API server state pod update
 < "": successfully updated
updating "kube-controller-manager" to version "1.23.0"
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-controller-manager: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for API server state pod update
 < "": successfully updated
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-controller-manager: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for API server state pod update
 < "": successfully updated
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-controller-manager: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for API server state pod update
 < "": successfully updated
updating "kube-scheduler" to version "1.23.0"
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-scheduler: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for API server state pod update
 < "": successfully updated
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-scheduler: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for API server state pod update
 < "": successfully updated
 > "": starting update
 > update kube-scheduler: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for API server state pod update
 < "": successfully updated
updating daemonset "kube-proxy" to version "1.23.0"
updating kubelet to version "1.23.0"
 > "": starting update
 > update kubelet: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for kubelet restart
 > "": waiting for node update
 < "": successfully updated
 > "": starting update
 > update kubelet: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for kubelet restart
 > "": waiting for node update
 < "": successfully updated
 > "": starting update
 > update kubelet: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for kubelet restart
 > "": waiting for node update
 < "": successfully updated
 > "": starting update
 > update kubelet: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for kubelet restart
 > "": waiting for node update
 < "": successfully updated
 > "": starting update
 > update kubelet: v1.22.4 -> 1.23.0
 > "": machine configuration patched
 > "": waiting for kubelet restart
 > "": waiting for node update
 < "": successfully updated
updating manifests
 > apply manifest Secret bootstrap-token-3lb63t
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding system-bootstrap-approve-node-client-csr
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding system-bootstrap-node-bootstrapper
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding system-bootstrap-node-renewal
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding system:default-sa
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ClusterRole psp:privileged
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding psp:privileged
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest PodSecurityPolicy privileged
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ClusterRole flannel
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding flannel
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ServiceAccount flannel
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ConfigMap kube-flannel-cfg
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest DaemonSet kube-flannel
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ServiceAccount kube-proxy
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding kube-proxy
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ServiceAccount coredns
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ClusterRoleBinding system:coredns
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ClusterRole system:coredns
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ConfigMap coredns
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest Deployment coredns
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest Service kube-dns
 > apply skipped: nothing to update
 > apply manifest ConfigMap kubeconfig-in-cluster
 > apply skipped: nothing to update

Script runs in several phases:

  1. Every control plane node machine configuration is patched with new image version for each control plane component. Talos renders new static pod definition on configuration update which is picked up by the kubelet. Script waits for the change to propagate to the API server state.
  2. The script updates kube-proxy daemonset with the new image version.
  3. On every node in the cluster, kubelet version is updated. The script waits for the kubelet service to be restarted, become healthy. Update is verified with the Node resource state.
  4. Kubernetes bootstrap manifests are re-applied to the cluster. The script never deletes any resources from the cluster, they should be deleted manually. Updated bootstrap manifests might come with new Talos version (e.g. CoreDNS version update), or might be result of machine configuration change.

If the script fails for any reason, it can be safely restarted to continue upgrade process from the moment of the failure.

Manual Kubernetes Upgrade

Kubernetes can be upgraded manually as well by following the steps outlined below. They are equivalent to the steps performed by the talosctl upgrade-k8s command.


In order to edit the control plane, we will need a working kubectl config. If you don’t already have one, you can get one by running:

talosctl --nodes <master node> kubeconfig

API Server

Patch machine configuration using talosctl patch command:

$ talosctl -n <CONTROL_PLANE_IP_1> patch mc --immediate -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/cluster/apiServer/image", "value": "k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver:v1.20.4"}]'
patched mc at the node

JSON patch might need to be adjusted if current machine configuration is missing .cluster.apiServer.image key.

Also machine configuration can be edited manually with talosctl -n <IP> edit mc --immediate.

Capture new version of kube-apiserver config with:

$ talosctl -n <CONTROL_PLANE_IP_1> get kcpc kube-apiserver -o yaml
    namespace: config
    type: KubernetesControlPlaneConfigs.config.talos.dev
    id: kube-apiserver
    version: 5
    phase: running
    image: k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver:v1.20.4
    cloudProvider: ""
    localPort: 6443
    extraArgs: {}
    extraVolumes: []

In this example, new version is 5. Wait for the new pod definition to propagate to the API server state (replace talos-default-master-1 with the node name):

$ kubectl get pod -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-apiserver --field-selector spec.nodeName=talos-default-master-1 -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.annotations.talos\.dev/config\-version}'

Check that the pod is running:

$ kubectl get pod -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-apiserver --field-selector spec.nodeName=talos-default-master-1
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-apiserver-talos-default-master-1   1/1     Running   0          16m

Repeat this process for every control plane node, verifying that state got propagated successfully between each node update.

Controller Manager

Patch machine configuration using talosctl patch command:

$ talosctl -n <CONTROL_PLANE_IP_1> patch mc --immediate -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/cluster/controllerManager/image", "value": "k8s.gcr.io/kube-controller-manager:v1.20.4"}]'
patched mc at the node

JSON patch might need be adjusted if current machine configuration is missing .cluster.controllerManager.image key.

Capture new version of kube-controller-manager config with:

$ talosctl -n <CONTROL_PLANE_IP_1> get kcpc kube-controller-manager -o yaml
    namespace: config
    type: KubernetesControlPlaneConfigs.config.talos.dev
    id: kube-controller-manager
    version: 3
    phase: running
    image: k8s.gcr.io/kube-controller-manager:v1.20.4
    cloudProvider: ""
    extraArgs: {}
    extraVolumes: []

In this example, new version is 3. Wait for the new pod definition to propagate to the API server state (replace talos-default-master-1 with the node name):

$ kubectl get pod -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-controller-manager --field-selector spec.nodeName=talos-default-master-1 -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.annotations.talos\.dev/config\-version}'

Check that the pod is running:

$ kubectl get pod -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-controller-manager --field-selector spec.nodeName=talos-default-master-1
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-controller-manager-talos-default-master-1   1/1     Running   0          35m

Repeat this process for every control plane node, verifying that state got propagated successfully between each node update.


Patch machine configuration using talosctl patch command:

$ talosctl -n <CONTROL_PLANE_IP_1> patch mc --immediate -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/cluster/scheduler/image", "value": "k8s.gcr.io/kube-scheduler:v1.20.4"}]'
patched mc at the node

JSON patch might need be adjusted if current machine configuration is missing .cluster.scheduler.image key.

Capture new version of kube-scheduler config with:

$ talosctl -n <CONTROL_PLANE_IP_1> get kcpc kube-scheduler -o yaml
    namespace: config
    type: KubernetesControlPlaneConfigs.config.talos.dev
    id: kube-scheduler
    version: 3
    phase: running
    image: k8s.gcr.io/kube-scheduler:v1.20.4
    extraArgs: {}
    extraVolumes: []

In this example, new version is 3. Wait for the new pod definition to propagate to the API server state (replace talos-default-master-1 with the node name):

$ kubectl get pod -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-scheduler --field-selector spec.nodeName=talos-default-master-1 -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.annotations.talos\.dev/config\-version}'

Check that the pod is running:

$ kubectl get pod -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-scheduler --field-selector spec.nodeName=talos-default-master-1
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-scheduler-talos-default-master-1   1/1     Running   0          39m

Repeat this process for every control plane node, verifying that state got propagated successfully between each node update.


In the proxy’s DaemonSet, change:

kind: DaemonSet
        - name: kube-proxy
          image: k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy:v1.20.1
        - ...


kind: DaemonSet
        - name: kube-proxy
          image: k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy:v1.20.4
        - ...
        - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
          operator: Exists
          effect: NoSchedule

To edit the DaemonSet, run:

kubectl edit daemonsets -n kube-system kube-proxy

Bootstrap Manifests

Bootstrap manifests can be retrieved in a format which works for kubectl with the following command:

talosctl -n <master IP> get manifests -o yaml | yq eval-all '.spec | .[] | splitDoc' - > manifests.yaml

Diff the manifests with the cluster:

kubectl diff -f manifests.yaml

Apply the manifests:

kubectl apply -f manifests.yaml

Note: if some boostrap resources were removed, they have to be removed from the cluster manually.


For every node, patch machine configuration with new kubelet version, wait for the kubelet to restart with new version:

$ talosctl -n <IP> patch mc --immediate -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/machine/kubelet/image", "value": "ghcr.io/talos-systems/kubelet:v1.23.0"}]'
patched mc at the node

Once kubelet restarts with the new configuration, confirm upgrade with kubectl get nodes <name>:

$ kubectl get nodes talos-default-master-1
NAME                     STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
talos-default-master-1   Ready    control-plane,master   123m   v1.23.0

28 - Upgrading Talos

Talos upgrades are effected by an API call. The talosctl CLI utility will facilitate this.

Video Walkthrough

To see a live demo of this writeup, see the video below:

After Upgrade to 0.14

No actions required.

talosctl Upgrade

To manually upgrade a Talos node, you will specify the node’s IP address and the installer container image for the version of Talos to which you wish to upgrade.

For instance, if your Talos node has the IP address and you want to install the official version v0.14.0, you would enter a command such as:

  $ talosctl upgrade --nodes \
      --image ghcr.io/talos-systems/installer:v0.14.0

There is an option to this command: --preserve, which can be used to explicitly tell Talos to either keep intact its ephemeral data or not. In most cases, it is correct to just let Talos perform its default action. However, if you are running a single-node control-plane, you will want to make sure that --preserve=true.

If Talos fails to run the upgrade, the --stage flag may be used to perform the upgrade after a reboot which is followed by another reboot to upgraded version.

Machine Configuration Changes

Talos 0.14 enables cluster discovery by default for new clusters. Cluster discovery feature won’t be enabled after an upgrade if the feature wasn’t enabled before the upgrade.

29 - Virtual (shared) IP

One of the biggest pain points when building a high-availability controlplane is giving clients a single IP or URL at which they can reach any of the controlplane nodes. The most common approaches all require external resources: reverse proxy, load balancer, BGP, and DNS.

Using a “Virtual” IP address, on the other hand, provides high availability without external coordination or resources, so long as the controlplane members share a layer 2 network. In practical terms, this means that they are all connected via a switch, with no router in between them.

The term “virtual” is misleading here. The IP address is real, and it is assigned to an interface. Instead, what actually happens is that the controlplane machines vie for control of the shared IP address. There can be only one owner of the IP address at any given time, but if that owner disappears or becomes non-responsive, another owner will be chosen, and it will take up the mantle: the IP address.

Talos has (as of version 0.9) built-in support for this form of shared IP address, and it can utilize this for both the Kubernetes API server and the Talos endpoint set. Talos uses etcd for elections and leadership (control) of the IP address.

Video Walkthrough

To see a live demo of this writeup, see the video below:

Choose your Shared IP

To begin with, you should choose your shared IP address. It should generally be a reserved, unused IP address in the same subnet as your controlplane nodes. It should not be assigned or assignable by your DHCP server.

For our example, we will assume that the controlplane nodes have the following IP addresses:


We then choose our shared IP to be:

Configure your Talos Machines

The shared IP setting is only valid for controlplane nodes.

For the example above, each of the controlplane nodes should have the following Machine Config snippet:

    - interface: eth0
      dhcp: true

Virtual IP’s can also be configured on a VLAN interface.

    - interface: eth0
      dhcp: true
        - vlanId: 100
          dhcp: true

Obviously, for your own environment, the interface and the DHCP setting may differ. You are free to use static addressing (cidr) instead of DHCP.


In general, the shared IP should just work. However, since it relies on etcd for elections, the shared IP will not come alive until after you have bootstrapped Kubernetes. In general, this is not a problem, but it does mean that you cannot use the shared IP when issuing the talosctl bootstrap command. Instead, that command will need to target one of the controlplane nodes discretely.