Version v0.8 of the documentation is no longer actively maintained. The site that you are currently viewing is an archived snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.


talosctl apply-config

Apply a new configuration to a node

talosctl apply-config [flags]


      --cert-fingerprint strings   list of server certificate fingeprints to accept (defaults to no check)
  -f, --file string                the filename of the updated configuration
  -h, --help                       help for apply-config
  -i, --insecure                   apply the config using the insecure (encrypted with no auth) maintenance service
      --interactive                apply the config using text based interactive mode
      --no-reboot                  apply the config only after the reboot

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl bootstrap

Bootstrap the cluster

talosctl bootstrap [flags]


  -h, --help   help for bootstrap

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl cluster create

Creates a local docker-based or QEMU-based kubernetes cluster

talosctl cluster create [flags]


      --arch string                             cluster architecture (default "amd64")
      --cidr string                             CIDR of the cluster network (default "")
      --cni-bin-path strings                    search path for CNI binaries (VM only) (default [/home/user/.talos/cni/bin])
      --cni-bundle-url string                   URL to download CNI bundle from (VM only) (default "${ARCH}.tar.gz")
      --cni-cache-dir string                    CNI cache directory path (VM only) (default "/home/user/.talos/cni/cache")
      --cni-conf-dir string                     CNI config directory path (VM only) (default "/home/user/.talos/cni/conf.d")
      --cpus string                             the share of CPUs as fraction (each container/VM) (default "2.0")
      --crashdump                               print debug crashdump to stderr when cluster startup fails
      --custom-cni-url string                   install custom CNI from the URL (Talos cluster)
      --disk int                                default limit on disk size in MB (each VM) (default 6144)
      --disk-image-path string                  disk image to use
      --dns-domain string                       the dns domain to use for cluster (default "cluster.local")
      --docker-host-ip string                   Host IP to forward exposed ports to (Docker provisioner only) (default "")
      --endpoint string                         use endpoint instead of provider defaults
  -p, --exposed-ports string                    Comma-separated list of ports/protocols to expose on init node. Ex -p <hostPort>:<containerPort>/<protocol (tcp or udp)> (Docker provisioner only)
  -h, --help                                    help for create
      --image string                            the image to use (default "")
      --init-node-as-endpoint                   use init node as endpoint instead of any load balancer endpoint
      --initrd-path string                      the uncompressed kernel image to use (default "_out/initramfs-${ARCH}.xz")
  -i, --input-dir string                        location of pre-generated config files
      --install-image string                    the installer image to use (default "")
      --iso-path string                         the ISO path to use for the initial boot (VM only)
      --kubernetes-version string               desired kubernetes version to run (default "1.20.1")
      --masters int                             the number of masters to create (default 1)
      --memory int                              the limit on memory usage in MB (each container/VM) (default 2048)
      --mtu int                                 MTU of the cluster network (default 1500)
      --nameservers strings                     list of nameservers to use (default [,])
      --registry-insecure-skip-verify strings   list of registry hostnames to skip TLS verification for
      --registry-mirror strings                 list of registry mirrors to use in format: <registry host>=<mirror URL>
      --skip-injecting-config                   skip injecting config from embedded metadata server, write config files to current directory
      --skip-kubeconfig                         skip merging kubeconfig from the created cluster
      --user-disk strings                       list of disks to create for each VM in format: <mount_point1>:<size1>:<mount_point2>:<size2>
      --vmlinuz-path string                     the compressed kernel image to use (default "_out/vmlinuz-${ARCH}")
      --wait                                    wait for the cluster to be ready before returning (default true)
      --wait-timeout duration                   timeout to wait for the cluster to be ready (default 20m0s)
      --with-apply-config                       enable apply config when the VM is starting in maintenance mode
      --with-bootloader                         enable bootloader to load kernel and initramfs from disk image after install (default true)
      --with-debug                              enable debug in Talos config to send service logs to the console
      --with-init-node                          create the cluster with an init node
      --with-uefi                               enable UEFI on x86_64 architecture (always enabled for arm64)
      --workers int                             the number of workers to create (default 1)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
      --name string          the name of the cluster (default "talos-default")
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --provisioner string   Talos cluster provisioner to use (default "docker")
      --state string         directory path to store cluster state (default "/home/user/.talos/clusters")
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl cluster - A collection of commands for managing local docker-based or firecracker-based clusters

talosctl cluster destroy

Destroys a local docker-based or firecracker-based kubernetes cluster

talosctl cluster destroy [flags]


  -h, --help   help for destroy

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
      --name string          the name of the cluster (default "talos-default")
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --provisioner string   Talos cluster provisioner to use (default "docker")
      --state string         directory path to store cluster state (default "/home/user/.talos/clusters")
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl cluster - A collection of commands for managing local docker-based or firecracker-based clusters

talosctl cluster show

Shows info about a local provisioned kubernetes cluster

talosctl cluster show [flags]


  -h, --help   help for show

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
      --name string          the name of the cluster (default "talos-default")
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --provisioner string   Talos cluster provisioner to use (default "docker")
      --state string         directory path to store cluster state (default "/home/user/.talos/clusters")
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl cluster - A collection of commands for managing local docker-based or firecracker-based clusters

talosctl cluster

A collection of commands for managing local docker-based or firecracker-based clusters


  -h, --help                 help for cluster
      --name string          the name of the cluster (default "talos-default")
      --provisioner string   Talos cluster provisioner to use (default "docker")
      --state string         directory path to store cluster state (default "/home/user/.talos/clusters")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl completion

Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh)


Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh). The shell code must be evaluated to provide interactive completion of talosctl commands. This can be done by sourcing it from the .bash_profile.

Note for zsh users: [1] zsh completions are only supported in versions of zsh >= 5.2

talosctl completion SHELL [flags]


# Installing bash completion on macOS using homebrew
## If running Bash 3.2 included with macOS
	brew install bash-completion
## or, if running Bash 4.1+
	brew install bash-completion@2
## If talosctl is installed via homebrew, this should start working immediately.
## If you've installed via other means, you may need add the completion to your completion directory
	talosctl completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/talosctl

# Installing bash completion on Linux
## If bash-completion is not installed on Linux, please install the 'bash-completion' package
## via your distribution's package manager.
## Load the talosctl completion code for bash into the current shell
	source <(talosctl completion bash)
## Write bash completion code to a file and source if from .bash_profile
	talosctl completion bash > ~/.talos/
	printf "
		# talosctl shell completion
		source '$HOME/.talos/'
		" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
	source $HOME/.bash_profile
# Load the talosctl completion code for zsh[1] into the current shell
	source <(talosctl completion zsh)
# Set the talosctl completion code for zsh[1] to autoload on startup
talosctl completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_osctl"


  -h, --help   help for completion

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl config add

Add a new context

talosctl config add <context> [flags]


      --ca string    the path to the CA certificate
      --crt string   the path to the certificate
  -h, --help         help for add
      --key string   the path to the key

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl config context

Set the current context

talosctl config context <context> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for context

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl config contexts

List contexts defined in Talos config

talosctl config contexts [flags]


  -h, --help   help for contexts

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl config endpoint

Set the endpoint(s) for the current context

talosctl config endpoint <endpoint>... [flags]


  -h, --help   help for endpoint

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl config merge

Merge additional contexts from another Talos config into the default config


Contexts with the same name are renamed while merging configs.

talosctl config merge <from> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for merge

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl config node

Set the node(s) for the current context

talosctl config node <endpoint>... [flags]


  -h, --help   help for node

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl config

Manage the client configuration


  -h, --help   help for config

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl containers

List containers

talosctl containers [flags]


  -h, --help         help for containers
  -k, --kubernetes   use the containerd namespace
  -c, --use-cri      use the CRI driver

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl copy

Copy data out from the node


Creates an .tar.gz archive at the node starting at and streams it back to the client.

If ‘-’ is given for , archive is written to stdout. Otherwise archive is extracted to which should be an empty directory or talosctl creates a directory if doesn’t exist. Command doesn’t preserve ownership and access mode for the files in extract mode, while streamed .tar archive captures ownership and permission bits.

talosctl copy <src-path> -|<local-path> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for copy

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl crashdump

Dump debug information about the cluster

talosctl crashdump [flags]


      --control-plane-nodes strings   specify IPs of control plane nodes
  -h, --help                          help for crashdump
      --init-node string              specify IPs of init node
      --worker-nodes strings          specify IPs of worker nodes

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl dashboard

Cluster dashboard with real-time metrics


Provide quick UI to navigate through node real-time metrics.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • h, : switch one node to the left
  • l, : switch one node to the right
  • j, : scroll process list down
  • k, : scroll process list up
  • : scroll process list half page down
  • : scroll process list half page up
  • : scroll process list one page down
  • : scroll process list one page up
talosctl dashboard [flags]


  -h, --help                       help for dashboard
  -d, --update-interval duration   interval between updates (default 3s)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl dmesg

Retrieve kernel logs

talosctl dmesg [flags]


  -f, --follow   specify if the kernel log should be streamed
  -h, --help     help for dmesg
      --tail     specify if only new messages should be sent (makes sense only when combined with --follow)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl etcd forfeit-leadership

Tell node to forfeit etcd cluster leadership

talosctl etcd forfeit-leadership [flags]


  -h, --help   help for forfeit-leadership

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl etcd leave

Tell nodes to leave etcd cluster

talosctl etcd leave [flags]


  -h, --help   help for leave

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl etcd members

Get the list of etcd cluster members

talosctl etcd members [flags]


  -h, --help   help for members

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl etcd

Manage etcd


  -h, --help   help for etcd

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl events

Stream runtime events

talosctl events [flags]


      --duration duration   show events for the past duration interval (one second resolution, default is to show no history)
  -h, --help                help for events
      --since string        show events after the specified event ID (default is to show no history)
      --tail int32          show specified number of past events (use -1 to show full history, default is to show no history)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl gen ca

Generates a self-signed X.509 certificate authority

talosctl gen ca [flags]


  -h, --help                  help for ca
      --hours int             the hours from now on which the certificate validity period ends (default 87600)
      --organization string   X.509 distinguished name for the Organization
      --rsa                   generate in RSA format

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl gen config

Generates a set of configuration files for Talos cluster


The cluster endpoint is the URL for the Kubernetes API. If you decide to use a control plane node, common in a single node control plane setup, use port 6443 as this is the port that the API server binds to on every control plane node. For an HA setup, usually involving a load balancer, use the IP and port of the load balancer.

talosctl gen config <cluster name> <cluster endpoint> [flags]


      --additional-sans strings     additional Subject-Alt-Names for the APIServer certificate
      --arch string                 the architecture of the cluster (default "amd64")
      --dns-domain string           the dns domain to use for cluster (default "cluster.local")
  -h, --help                        help for config
      --install-disk string         the disk to install to (default "/dev/sda")
      --install-image string        the image used to perform an installation (default "")
      --kubernetes-version string   desired kubernetes version to run
  -o, --output-dir string           destination to output generated files
  -p, --persist                     the desired persist value for configs (default true)
      --registry-mirror strings     list of registry mirrors to use in format: <registry host>=<mirror URL>
      --version string              the desired machine config version to generate (default "v1alpha1")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl gen crt

Generates an X.509 Ed25519 certificate

talosctl gen crt [flags]


      --ca string     path to the PEM encoded CERTIFICATE
      --csr string    path to the PEM encoded CERTIFICATE REQUEST
  -h, --help          help for crt
      --hours int     the hours from now on which the certificate validity period ends (default 24)
      --name string   the basename of the generated file

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl gen csr

Generates a CSR using an Ed25519 private key

talosctl gen csr [flags]


  -h, --help         help for csr
      --ip string    generate the certificate for this IP address
      --key string   path to the PEM encoded EC or RSA PRIVATE KEY

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl gen key

Generates an Ed25519 private key

talosctl gen key [flags]


  -h, --help          help for key
      --name string   the basename of the generated file

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl gen keypair

Generates an X.509 Ed25519 key pair

talosctl gen keypair [flags]


  -h, --help                  help for keypair
      --ip string             generate the certificate for this IP address
      --organization string   X.509 distinguished name for the Organization

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl gen

Generate CAs, certificates, and private keys


  -h, --help   help for gen

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


talosctl health

Check cluster health

talosctl health [flags]


      --control-plane-nodes strings   specify IPs of control plane nodes
  -h, --help                          help for health
      --init-node string              specify IPs of init node
      --k8s-endpoint string           use endpoint instead of kubeconfig default
      --run-e2e                       run Kubernetes e2e test
      --server                        run server-side check (default true)
      --wait-timeout duration         timeout to wait for the cluster to be ready (default 20m0s)
      --worker-nodes strings          specify IPs of worker nodes

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl images

List the default images used by Talos

talosctl images [flags]


  -h, --help   help for images

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl interfaces

List network interfaces

talosctl interfaces [flags]


  -h, --help   help for interfaces

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl kubeconfig

Download the admin kubeconfig from the node


Download the admin kubeconfig from the node. If merge flag is defined, config will be merged with ~/.kube/config or [local-path] if specified. Otherwise kubeconfig will be written to PWD or [local-path] if specified.

talosctl kubeconfig [local-path] [flags]


  -f, --force                       Force overwrite of kubeconfig if already present, force overwrite on kubeconfig merge
      --force-context-name string   Force context name for kubeconfig merge
  -h, --help                        help for kubeconfig
  -m, --merge                       Merge with existing kubeconfig (default true)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl list

Retrieve a directory listing

talosctl list [path] [flags]


  -d, --depth int32    maximum recursion depth
  -h, --help           help for list
  -H, --humanize       humanize size and time in the output
  -l, --long           display additional file details
  -r, --recurse        recurse into subdirectories
  -t, --type strings   filter by specified types:
                       f	regular file
                       d	directory
                       l, L	symbolic link

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl logs

Retrieve logs for a service

talosctl logs <service name> [flags]


  -f, --follow       specify if the logs should be streamed
  -h, --help         help for logs
  -k, --kubernetes   use the containerd namespace
      --tail int32   lines of log file to display (default is to show from the beginning) (default -1)
  -c, --use-cri      use the CRI driver

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl memory

Show memory usage

talosctl memory [flags]


  -h, --help      help for memory
  -v, --verbose   display extended memory statistics

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl mounts

List mounts

talosctl mounts [flags]


  -h, --help   help for mounts

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl processes

List running processes

talosctl processes [flags]


  -h, --help          help for processes
  -s, --sort string   Column to sort output by. [rss|cpu] (default "rss")
  -w, --watch         Stream running processes

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl read

Read a file on the machine

talosctl read <path> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for read

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl reboot

Reboot a node

talosctl reboot [flags]


  -h, --help   help for reboot

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl recover

Recover a control plane

talosctl recover [flags]


  -h, --help            help for recover
  -s, --source string   The data source for restoring the control plane manifests from (valid options are "apiserver" and "etcd") (default "apiserver")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl reset

Reset a node

talosctl reset [flags]


      --graceful                        if true, attempt to cordon/drain node and leave etcd (if applicable) (default true)
  -h, --help                            help for reset
      --reboot                          if true, reboot the node after resetting instead of shutting down
      --system-labels-to-wipe strings   if set, just wipe selected system disk partitions by label but keep other partitions intact

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl restart

Restart a process

talosctl restart <id> [flags]


  -h, --help         help for restart
  -k, --kubernetes   use the containerd namespace
  -c, --use-cri      use the CRI driver

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl rollback

Rollback a node to the previous installation

talosctl rollback [flags]


  -h, --help   help for rollback

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl routes

List network routes

talosctl routes [flags]


  -h, --help   help for routes

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl service

Retrieve the state of a service (or all services), control service state


Service control command. If run without arguments, lists all the services and their state. If service ID is specified, default action ‘status’ is executed which shows status of a single list service. With actions ‘start’, ‘stop’, ‘restart’, service state is updated respectively.

talosctl service [<id> [start|stop|restart|status]] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for service

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl shutdown

Shutdown a node

talosctl shutdown [flags]


  -h, --help   help for shutdown

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl stats

Get container stats

talosctl stats [flags]


  -h, --help         help for stats
  -k, --kubernetes   use the containerd namespace
  -c, --use-cri      use the CRI driver

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl time

Gets current server time

talosctl time [--check server] [flags]


  -c, --check string   checks server time against specified ntp server
  -h, --help           help for time

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl upgrade

Upgrade Talos on the target node

talosctl upgrade [flags]


  -h, --help           help for upgrade
  -i, --image string   the container image to use for performing the install
  -p, --preserve       preserve data
  -s, --stage          stage the upgrade to perform it after a reboot

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl upgrade-k8s

Upgrade Kubernetes control plane in the Talos cluster.


Command runs upgrade of Kubernetes control plane components between specified versions. Pod-checkpointer is handled in a special way to speed up kube-apisever upgrades.

talosctl upgrade-k8s [flags]


      --arch string       the cluster architecture (default "amd64")
      --endpoint string   the cluster control plane endpoint
      --from string       the Kubernetes control plane version to upgrade from
  -h, --help              help for upgrade-k8s
      --to string         the Kubernetes control plane version to upgrade to (default "1.20.1")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl usage

Retrieve a disk usage

talosctl usage [path1] [path2] ... [pathN] [flags]


  -a, --all             write counts for all files, not just directories
  -d, --depth int32     maximum recursion depth
  -h, --help            help for usage
  -H, --humanize        humanize size and time in the output
  -t, --threshold int   threshold exclude entries smaller than SIZE if positive, or entries greater than SIZE if negative

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl validate

Validate config

talosctl validate [flags]


  -c, --config string   the path of the config file
  -h, --help            help for validate
  -m, --mode string     the mode to validate the config for (valid values are metal, cloud, and container)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos

talosctl version

Prints the version

talosctl version [flags]


      --client   Print client version only
  -h, --help     help for version
      --short    Print the short version

Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")


  • talosctl - A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos


A CLI for out-of-band management of Kubernetes nodes created by Talos


      --context string       Context to be used in command
  -e, --endpoints strings    override default endpoints in Talos configuration
  -h, --help                 help for talosctl
  -n, --nodes strings        target the specified nodes
      --talosconfig string   The path to the Talos configuration file (default "/home/user/.talos/config")