1 - What is Talos?

A quick introduction in to what Talos is and why it should be used.

Talos is a container optimized Linux distro; a reimagining of Linux for distributed systems such as Kubernetes. Designed to be as minimal as possible while still maintaining practicality. For these reasons, Talos has a number of features unique to it:

  • it is immutable
  • it is atomic
  • it is ephemeral
  • it is minimal
  • it is secure by default
  • it is managed via a single declarative configuration file and gRPC API

Talos can be deployed on container, cloud, virtualized, and bare metal platforms.

Why Talos

In having less, Talos offers more. Security. Efficiency. Resiliency. Consistency.

All of these areas are improved simply by having less.

2 - Quickstart

A short guide on setting up a simple Talos Linux cluster locally with Docker.

Local Docker Cluster

The easiest way to try Talos is by using the CLI (talosctl) to create a cluster on a machine with docker installed.



Download talosctl:

curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/talosctl https://github.com/siderolabs/talos/releases/download/v1.2.8/talosctl-$(uname -s | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")-amd64
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/talosctl

For linux and darwin operating systems talosctl is also available for the arm64 processor architecture.

curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/talosctl https://github.com/siderolabs/talos/releases/download/v1.2.8/talosctl-$(uname -s | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")-arm64
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/talosctl


Download kubectl via one of methods outlined in the documentation.

Create the Cluster

Now run the following:

talosctl cluster create

Verify that you can reach Kubernetes:

$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
talos-default-controlplane-1   Ready    master   115s   v1.25.5      <none>        Talos (v1.2.8)   <host kernel>    containerd://1.5.5
talos-default-worker-1   Ready    <none>   115s   v1.25.5      <none>        Talos (v1.2.8)   <host kernel>    containerd://1.5.5

Destroy the Cluster

When you are all done, remove the cluster:

talosctl cluster destroy

3 - Getting Started

A guide to setting up a Talos Linux cluster on multiple machines.

This document will walk you through installing a full Talos Cluster. If this is your first use of Talos Linux, we recommend the Quickstart first, to quickly create a local virtual cluster on your workstation.

Regardless of where you run Talos, in general you need to:

  • acquire the installation image
  • decide on the endpoint for Kubernetes
    • optionally create a load balancer
  • configure Talos
  • configure talosctl
  • bootstrap Kubernetes



talosctl is a CLI tool which interfaces with the Talos API in an easy manner.

Install talosctl before continuing:


curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/talosctl https://github.com/siderolabs/talos/releases/download/v1.2.8/talosctl-$(uname -s | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")-amd64
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/talosctl


For linux and darwin operating systems talosctl is also available for the arm64 architecture.

curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/talosctl https://github.com/siderolabs/talos/releases/download/v1.2.8/talosctl-$(uname -s | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")-arm64
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/talosctl

Acquire the installation image

The most general way to install Talos is to use the ISO image (note there are easier methods for some platforms, such as pre-built AMIs for AWS - check the specific Installation Guides.)

The latest ISO image can be found on the Github Releases page:

When booted from the ISO, Talos will run in RAM, and will not install itself until it is provided a configuration. Thus, it is safe to boot the ISO onto any machine.

Alternative Booting

For network booting and self-built media, you can use the published kernel and initramfs images:

Note that to use alternate booting, there are a number of required kernel parameters. Please see the kernel docs for more information.

Decide the Kubernetes Endpoint

In order to configure Kubernetes, Talos needs to know what the endpoint (DNS name or IP address) of the Kubernetes API Server will be.

The endpoint should be the fully-qualified HTTP(S) URL for the Kubernetes API Server, which (by default) runs on port 6443 using HTTPS.

Thus, the format of the endpoint may be something like:

  • https://kube.mycluster.mydomain.com:6443
  • https://[2001:db8:1234::80]:6443

The Kubernetes API Server endpoint, in order to be highly available, should be configured in a way that functions off all available control plane nodes. There are three common ways to do this:

Dedicated Load-balancer

If you are using a cloud provider or have your own load-balancer (such as HAProxy, nginx reverse proxy, or an F5 load-balancer), using a dedicated load balancer is a natural choice. Create an appropriate frontend matching the endpoint, and point the backends at the addresses of each of the Talos control plane nodes. (Note that given we have not yet created the control plane nodes, the IP addresses of the backends may not be known yet. We can bind the backends to the frontend at a later point.)

Layer 2 Shared IP

Talos has integrated support for serving Kubernetes from a shared/virtual IP address. This method relies on Layer 2 connectivity between control plane Talos nodes.

In this case, we choose an unused IP address on the same subnet as the Talos control plane nodes. For instance, if your control plane node IPs are:


you could choose the ip as your shared IP address. (Make sure that is not used by any other machine and that your DHCP server will not serve it to any other machine.)

Once chosen, form the full HTTPS URL from this IP:

If you create a DNS record for this IP, note you will need to use the IP address itself, not the DNS name, to configure the shared IP (machine.network.interfaces[].vip.ip) in the Talos configuration.

For more information about using a shared IP, see the related Guide

DNS records

If neither of the other methods work for you, you can use DNS records to provide a measure of redundancy. In this case, you would add multiple A or AAAA records (one for each control plane node) to a DNS name.

For instance, you could add:

kube.cluster1.mydomain.com  IN  A
kube.cluster1.mydomain.com  IN  A
kube.cluster1.mydomain.com  IN  A

Then, your endpoint would be:


Decide how to access the Talos API

Many administrative tasks are performed by calling the Talos API on Talos Linux control plane nodes.

We recommend accessing the control plane nodes directly from the talosctl client, if possible (i.e. set your endpoints to the IP addresses of the control plane nodes). This requires your control plane nodes to be reachable from the client IP.

If the control plane nodes are not directly reachable from the workstation where you run talosctl, then configure a load balancer for TCP port 50000 to be forwarded to the control plane nodes. Do not use Talos Linux’s built in VIP support for accessing the Talos API, as it will not function in the event of an etcd failure, and you will not be able to access the Talos API to fix things.

If you create a load balancer to forward the Talos API calls, make a note of the IP or hostname so that you can configure your talosctl tool’s endpoints below.

Configure Talos

When Talos boots without a configuration, such as when using the Talos ISO, it enters a limited maintenance mode and waits for a configuration to be provided.

In other installation methods, a configuration can be passed in on boot. For example, Talos can be booted with the talos.config kernel commandline argument set to an HTTP(s) URL from which it should receive its configuration. Where a PXE server is available, this is much more efficient than manually configuring each node. If you do use this method, note that Talos requires a number of other kernel commandline parameters. See required kernel parameters. If creating EC2 kubernetes clusters, the configuration file can be passed in as --user-data to the aws ec2 run-instances command.

In any case, we need to generate the configuration which is to be provided:

  talosctl gen config cluster-name cluster-endpoint

Here, cluster-name is an arbitrary name for the cluster, used in your local client configuration as a label. It should be unique in the configuration on your local workstation.

The cluster-endpoint is the Kubernetes Endpoint you selected from above. This is the Kubernetes API URL, and it should be a complete URL, with https:// and port. (The default port is 6443, but you may have configured your load balancer to forward a different port.) For example:

 talosctl gen config my-cluster
generating PKI and tokens
created /Users/taloswork/controlplane.yaml
created /Users/taloswork/worker.yaml
created /Users/taloswork/talosconfig

When you run this command, a number of files are created in your current directory:

  • controlplane.yaml
  • worker.yaml
  • talosconfig

The .yaml files are Machine Configs. They provide Talos Linux servers their complete configuration, describing everything from what disk Talos should be installed on, to network settings. The controlplane.yaml file describes how Talos should form a Kubernetes cluster.

The talosconfig file (which is also YAML) is your local client configuration file.

Controlplane and Worker

The two types of Machine Configs correspond to the two roles of Talos nodes, control plane (which run both the Talos and Kubernetes control planes) and worker nodes (which run the workloads).

The main difference between Controlplane Machine Config files and Worker Machine Config files is that the former contains information about how to form the Kubernetes cluster.

Modifying the Machine configs

The generated Machine Configs have defaults that work for many cases. They use DHCP for interface configuration, and install to /dev/sda. If the defaults work for your installation, you may use them as is.

Sometimes, you will need to modify the generated files so they work with your systems. A common example is needing to change the default installation disk. If you try to to apply the machine config to a node, and get an error like the below, you need to specify a different installation disk:

talosctl apply-config --insecure -n --file controlplane.yaml
error applying new configuration: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = configuration validation failed: 1 error occurred:
    * specified install disk does not exist: "/dev/sda"

You can verify which disks your nodes have by using the talosctl disks --insecure command.

Insecure mode is needed at this point as the PKI infrastructure has not yet been set up.

For example:

talosctl -n disks --insecure
DEV        MODEL   SERIAL   TYPE   UUID   WWID   MODALIAS                    NAME   SIZE    BUS_PATH
/dev/vda   -       -        HDD    -      -      virtio:d00000002v00001AF4   -      69 GB   /pci0000:00/0000:00:06.0/virtio2/

In this case, you would modiy the controlplane.yaml and worker.yaml and edit the line:

  disk: /dev/sda # The disk used for installations.

to reflect vda instead of sda.

Machine Configs as Templates

Individual machines may need different settings: for instance, each may have a different static IP address.

When different files are needed for machines of the same type, simply copy the source template (controlplane.yaml or worker.yaml) and make whatever modifications are needed.

For instance, if you had three control plane nodes and three worker nodes, you may do something like this:

for i in $(seq 0 2); do
  cp controlplane.yaml cp$i.yaml
for i in $(seq 0 2); do
  cp worker.yaml w$i.yaml

Then modify each file as needed.

Apply Configuration

To apply the Machine Configs, you need to know the machines’ IP addresses.

Talos will print out the IP addresses of the machines on the console during the boot process:

[4.605369] [talos] task loadConfig (1/1): this machine is reachable at:
[4.607358] [talos] task loadConfig (1/1):
[4.608766] [talos] task loadConfig (1/1): server certificate fingerprint:
[4.611106] [talos] task loadConfig (1/1):   xA9a1t2dMxB0NJ0qH1pDzilWbA3+DK/DjVbFaJBYheE=
[4.613822] [talos] task loadConfig (1/1):
[4.614985] [talos] task loadConfig (1/1): upload configuration using talosctl:
[4.616978] [talos] task loadConfig (1/1):   talosctl apply-config --insecure --nodes --file <config.yaml>
[4.620168] [talos] task loadConfig (1/1): or apply configuration using talosctl interactive installer:
[4.623046] [talos] task loadConfig (1/1):   talosctl apply-config --insecure --nodes --mode=interactive
[4.626365] [talos] task loadConfig (1/1): optionally with node fingerprint check:
[4.628692] [talos] task loadConfig (1/1):   talosctl apply-config --insecure --nodes --cert-fingerprint 'xA9a1t2dMxB0NJ0qH1pDzilWbA3+DK/DjVbFaJBYheE=' --file <config.yaml>

If you do not have console access, the IP address may also be discoverable from your DHCP server.

Once you have the IP address, you can then apply the correct configuration.

  talosctl apply-config --insecure \
    --nodes \
    --file controlplane.yaml

The insecure flag is necessary because the PKI infrastructure has not yet been made available to the node. Note: the connection will be encrypted, it is just unauthenticated. If you have console access you can extract the server certificate fingerprint and use it for an additional layer of validation:

  talosctl apply-config --insecure \
    --nodes \
    --cert-fingerprint xA9a1t2dMxB0NJ0qH1pDzilWbA3+DK/DjVbFaJBYheE= \
    --file cp0.yaml

Using the fingerprint allows you to be sure you are sending the configuration to the correct machine, but it is completely optional. After the configuration is applied to a node, it will reboot. Repeat this process for each of the nodes in your cluster.

Understand talosctl, endpoints and nodes

It is important to understand the concept of endpoints and nodes. In short: endpoints are the nodes that talosctl sends commands to, but nodes are the nodes that the command operates on. The endpoint will forward the command to the nodes, if needed.


Endpoints are the IP addresses to which the talosctl client directly talks. These should be the set of control plane nodes, either directly or through a load balancer.

Each endpoint will automatically proxy requests destined to another node in the cluster. This means that you only need access to the control plane nodes in order to access the rest of the network.

talosctl will automatically load balance requests and fail over between all of your endpoints.

You can pass in --endpoints <IP Address1>,<IP Address2> as a comma separated list of IP/DNS addresses to the current talosctl command. You can also set the endpoints in your talosconfig, by calling talosctl config endpoint <IP Address1> <IP Address2>. Note: these are space separated, not comma separated.

As an example, if the IP addresses of our control plane nodes are:


We would set those in the talosconfig with:

  talosctl --talosconfig=./talosconfig \
    config endpoint


The node is the target you wish to perform the API call on.

When specifying nodes, their IPs and/or hostnames are as seen by the endpoint servers, not as from the client. This is because all connections are proxied through the endpoints.

You may provide -n or --nodes to any talosctl command to supply the node or (comma-separated) nodes on which you wish to perform the operation.

For example, to see the containers running on node

talosctl -n containers

To see the etcd logs on both nodes and

talosctl -n, logs etcd

It is possible to set a default set of nodes in the talosconfig file, but our recommendation is to explicitly pass in the node or nodes to be operated on with each talosctl command. For a more in-depth discussion of Endpoints and Nodes, please see talosctl.

Default configuration file

You can reference which configuration file to use directly with the --talosconfig parameter:

  talosctl --talosconfig=./talosconfig \
    --nodes version

However, talosctl comes with tooling to help you integrate and merge this configuration into the default talosctl configuration file. This is done with the merge option.

  talosctl config merge ./talosconfig

This will merge your new talosconfig into the default configuration file ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/talos/config.yaml), creating it if necessary. Like Kubernetes, the talosconfig configuration files has multiple “contexts” which correspond to multiple clusters. The <cluster-name> you chose above will be used as the context name.

Kubernetes Bootstrap

Bootstrapping your Kubernetes cluster with Talos is as simple as:

  talosctl bootstrap --nodes

The bootstrap operation should only be called ONCE and only on a SINGLE control plane node!

The IP can be any of your control planes (or the loadbalancer, if used for the Talos API endpoint).

At this point, Talos will form an etcd cluster, generate all of the core Kubernetes assets, and start the Kubernetes control plane components.

After a few moments, you will be able to download your Kubernetes client configuration and get started:

  talosctl kubeconfig

Running this command will add (merge) you new cluster into your local Kubernetes configuration.

If you would prefer the configuration to not be merged into your default Kubernetes configuration file, pass in a filename:

  talosctl kubeconfig alternative-kubeconfig

You should now be able to connect to Kubernetes and see your nodes:

  kubectl get nodes

And use talosctl to explore your cluster:

  talosctl -n <NODEIP> dashboard

For a list of all the commands and operations that talosctl provides, see the CLI reference.

4 - Theila UI for Talos

An intro to Theila - a UI for Talos clusters.

Once you have a Talos cluster running, you may find it easier to get insights on your cluster(s) using a visual user interface rather than the talosctl CLI. For this, Sidero Labs provides Theila, a simple, single-binary web-based visual user interface for Talos clusters.


You should have a Talos cluster up & running, and the talosconfig file for Theila to access it.


Theila is published as a single static binary compiled for various platforms and architectures, as well as a container image.


You can download the correct binary for your system from the releases page, or use the following commands in your terminal.

curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/theila https://github.com/siderolabs/theila/releases/download/v0.2.1/theila-$(uname -s | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")-amd64
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/theila


Once installed, you can run Theila by simply running it.

# address and port are not required and default to the values shown
theila --address --port 8080
docker run --rm --volume ${HOME}/.talos/config:/opt/talosconfig:ro --env TALOSCONFIG=/opt/talosconfig --publish 8080:8080 ghcr.io/siderolabs/theila --address

Once it is running you should be able to point a browser at http://localhost:8080 to open the Theila UI.


You can navigate around various Talos clusters using the menu at the upper-left corner (see 1.1), then selecting the specific cluster from the list (see 1.2). Fig 1 Talos cluster selection with Theila

Cluster Overview

Clicking on the “Overview” option in the menu (see 2.1) will display an overview of resource use & health of the cluster. Fig 2 Talos cluster overview


Entering the “Nodes” section on the menu (see 3.1) will give a list of nodes in the cluster (see 3.2), along with information such as IP address, status, and any roles assigned to the node. Opening the node menu (see 3.3) show the actions that can be taken on a specific node. Fig 3 Node list

Clicking on a specific node name in the node list will open the node detail page for more information on each specific node (see 4.1), including running services and their logs (see 4.2). Fig 4 Node detail

Clicking on the “Monitor” tab (see 5.1) allows you to watch resource use over time, with CPU and memory consumption graphs updated in real time, and a detailed list of running process each with their individual resource use (see 5.2). Fig 5 Node monitoring

Lastly, the “Dmesg” tab shows all kernel messages of the node since boot.


Using the “Pods” section on the menu (see 6.1) will list all pods in the cluster, across all namespaces. Clicking on the drop-down arrow (see 6.2) will open up more detailed information of the specified pod. Fig 6 Pods

5 - System Requirements

Hardware requirements for running Talos Linux.

Minimum Requirements

Control Plane2GB2
Control Plane4GB4

These requirements are similar to that of kubernetes.

6 - What's New in Talos 1.2

List of new and shiny features in Talos Linux.

See also upgrade notes for important changes.

Component Updates

  • Linux: 5.15.64
  • Flannel 0.19.1
  • containerd 1.6.8
  • runc: v1.1.4
  • Kubernetes: v1.25.0

Talos is built with Go 1.19.


Control Plane Labels and Taints

Talos now defaults to node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane label/taint.

On upgrades Talos now removes the node-role.kubernetes.io/master label/taint on control-plane nodes and replaces it with the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane label/taint. Workloads that tolerate the old taints or have node selectors with the old labels will need to be updated.

Previously Talos labeled control plane nodes with both control-plane and master labels and tainted the node with master taint.

Scheduling on Control Plane Nodes

Machine configuration .cluster.allowSchedulingOnMasters is deprecated and replaced by .cluster.allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes. The .cluster.allowSchedulingOnMasters will be removed in a future release of Talos. If both .cluster.allowSchedulingOnMasters and .cluster.allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes are set to true, the .cluster.allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes will be used.

Control Plane Components

Talos now run all Kubernetes Control Plane Components with the CRI default Seccomp Profile and other recommendations as described in KEP-2568.

k8s.gcr.io Registry

Talos now defaults to adding a registry mirror configuration in the machine configuration for k8s.gcr.io pointing to both registry.k8s.io and k8s.gcr.io unless overridden.

This is in line with the Kubernetes 1.25 release having the new registry.k8s.io registry endpoint.

This is only enabled by default on newly generated configurations and not on upgrades. This can be enabled with a machine configuration as follows:

          - https://registry.k8s.io
          - https://k8s.gcr.io

seccomp Profiles

Talos now supports creating custom seccomp profiles on the host machine which in turn can be used by Kubernetes workloads. It can be configured in the machine config as below:

    - name: audit.json
        defaultAction: SCMP_ACT_LOG
    - name: deny.json
      value: {"defaultAction":"SCMP_ACT_LOG"}

This profile data can be either configured as a YAML definition or as a JSON string.

The profiles are created on the host under /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp/profiles.

Default seccomp Profile

Talos now runs Kubelet with the CRI default Seccomp Profile enabled. This can be disabled by setting .machine.kubelet.defaultRuntimeSeccompProfileEnabled to false.

This feature is not enabled automatically on upgrades, so upgrading to Talos v1.2 needs this to be explicitly enabled.

See documentation for more details.

Machine Configuration

Strategic Merge Patching

In addition to JSON (RFC6902) patches Talos now supports strategic merge patching.

For example, machine hostname can be set with the following patch:

    hostname: worker1

Patch format is detected automatically.

talosctl apply-config

talosctl apply-config now supports patching the machine config file in memory before submitting it to the node.


Bridge Support

Talos now supports configuration of Linux bridge interfaces:

      - interface: br0
            enabled: true
            - eth0
            - eth1

See configuration reference for more details.


Talos now supports dracut-style vlan kernel argument to allow installing Talos Linux in networks where ports are not tagged with a default VLAN:

vlan=eth1.5:eth1 ip=

Machine configuration now supports specifying DHCP options for VLANs.

Stable Default Hostname

Talos now generates the default hostname (when there is no explicitly specified hostname) for the nodes based on the node id (e.g. talos-2gd-76y) instead of using the DHCP assigned IP address (e.g. talos-172-20-0-2).

This ensures that the node hostname is not changed when DHCP assigns a new IP to a node.

Note: the stable hostname generation algorithm changed between v1.2.0-beta.0 and v1.2.0-beta.1, please take care when upgrading from versions >= 1.2.0-alpha.1 to versions >= 1.2.0-beta.1 when using stable default hostname feature.

Packet Capture

Talos now supports capturing packets on a network interface with talosctl pcap command:

talosctl pcap --interface eth0

Cluster Discovery and KubeSpan

KubeSpan Kubernetes Network Advertisement

KubeSpan no longer by default advertises Kubernetes pod networks of the node over KubeSpan. This means that CNI should handle encapsulation of pod-to-pod traffic into the node-to-node tunnel, and node-to-node traffic will be handled by KubeSpan. This provides better compatibility with popular CNIs like Calico and Cilium.

Old behavior can be restored by setting .machine.kubespan.advertiseKubernetesNetworks = true in the machine config.

Kubernetes Discovery Backend

Kubernetes cluster discovery backend is now disabled by default for new clusters. This backend doesn’t provide any benefits over the Discovery Service based backend, while it causes issues for KubeSpan enabled clusters when control plane endpoint is KubeSpan-routed.

For air-gapped installations when the Discovery Service is not enabled, Kubernetes Discovery Backend can be enabled by applying the following machine configuration patch:

        disabled: false


Advertised and Listen Subnets

Machine configuration setting cluster.etcd.subnet is deprecated, but still supported.

Two new configuration settings are introduced to control precisely which subnet is used for etcd peer communication:


The advertisedSubnets setting is used to control which subnet is used for etcd peer communication, it will be advertised by each peer for other peers to connect to. If advertiseSubnets is set, listenSubnets defaults to the same value, so that etcd only listens on the same subnet as it advertises. Additional subnets can be configured in listenSubnets if needed.

Default behavior hasn’t changed - if the advertisedSubnets is not set, Talos picks up the first available network address as an advertised address and etcd is configured to listen on all interfaces.

Note: most of the etcd configuration changes are accepted on the fly, but they are fully applied only after a reboot.


Tracking Progress of API Calls

talosctl subcommands shutdown, reboot, reset and upgrade now have a new flag --wait to wait until the operation is completed, displaying information on the current status of each node.

A new --debug flag is added to these commands to get the kernel logs output from these nodes if the operation fails.


Generating Machine Config from Secrets

It is now possible to pre-generate secret material for the cluster with talosctl gen secrets:

talosctl gen secrets -o cluster1-secrets.yaml

Secrets file should be stored in a safe place, and machine configuration for the node in the cluster can be generated on demand with talosctl gen config:

talosctl gen config --with-secrets cluster1-secrets.yaml cluster1 https://cluster1.example.com:6443/

This way configuration can be generated on demand, for example with configuration patches. Nodes with machine configuration generated from the same secrets file can join each other to form a cluster.


Talos API access from Kubernetes

Talos now supports access to its API from within Kubernetes.

It can be configured in the machine config as below:

      enabled: true
        - os:reader
        - kube-system

This feature introduces a new custom resource definition, serviceaccounts.talos.dev. Creating custom resources of this type will provide credentials to access Talos API from within Kubernetes.

The new CLI subcommand talosctl inject serviceaccount can be used to configure Kubernetes manifests with Talos service accounts as below:

talosctl inject serviceaccount -f manifests.yaml > manifests-injected.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifests-injected.yaml

See documentation for more details.


Migrating from kubeadm

talosctl gen command supports generating a secrets bundle from a Kubernetes PKI directory (e.g. /etc/kubernetes/pki).

This secrets bundle can then be used to generate a machine config.

This facilitates migrating clusters (e.g. created using kubeadm) to Talos.

talosctl gen secrets --kubernetes-bootstrap-token znzio1.1ifu15frz7jd59pv --from-kubernetes-pki /etc/kubernetes/pki
talosctl gen config --with-secrets secrets.yaml my-cluster

Platform Updates


The kernel parameter talos.config can now substitute system information into placeholders inside its URL query values.

This example shows all supported variables:



NVIDIA GPU support promoted to beta

NVIDIA GPU support on Talos has been promoted to beta and SideroLabs now publishes the NVIDIA Open GPU Kernel Modules as a system extension making it easier to run GPU workloads on Talos. Refer to enabling NVIDIA GPU support docs here:


--masters flag on talosctl cluster create is deprecated. Use --controlplanes instead.

Machine configuration .cluster.allowSchedulingOnMasters is deprecated and replaced by .cluster.allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes.

7 - Support Matrix

Table of supported Talos Linux versions and respective platforms.
Talos Version1.21.1
Release Date2022-09-012022-06-22 (1.1.0)
End of Community Support1.3.0 release (2022-12-15)1.2.0 release (2022-09-01)
Enterprise Supportoffered by Sidero Labs Inc.offered by Sidero Labs Inc.
Kubernetes1.25, 1.24, 1.231.24, 1.23, 1.22
Architectureamd64, arm64amd64, arm64
- cloudAWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, Hetzner, OpenStack, Oracle Cloud, Scaleway, Vultr, UpcloudAWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, Hetzner, OpenStack, Oracle Cloud, Scaleway, Vultr, Upcloud
- bare metalx86: BIOS, UEFI; arm64: UEFI; boot: ISO, PXE, disk imagex86: BIOS, UEFI; arm64: UEFI; boot: ISO, PXE, disk image
- virtualizedVMware, Hyper-V, KVM, Proxmox, XenVMware, Hyper-V, KVM, Proxmox, Xen
- SBCsBanana Pi M64, Jetson Nano, Libre Computer Board ALL-H3-CC, Pine64, Pine64 Rock64, Radxa ROCK Pi 4c, Raspberry Pi 4BBanana Pi M64, Jetson Nano, Libre Computer Board ALL-H3-CC, Pine64, Pine64 Rock64, Radxa ROCK Pi 4c, Raspberry Pi 4B
- localDocker, QEMUDocker, QEMU
Cluster API
CAPI Bootstrap Provider Talos>= 0.5.5>= 0.5.3
CAPI Control Plane Provider Talos>= 0.4.9>= 0.4.6
Sidero>= 0.5.5>= 0.5.4

Platform Tiers

  • Tier 1: Automated tests, high-priority fixes.
  • Tier 2: Tested from time to time, medium-priority bugfixes.
  • Tier 3: Not tested by core Talos team, community tested.

Tier 1

  • Metal
  • AWS
  • GCP

Tier 2

  • Azure
  • Digital Ocean
  • OpenStack
  • VMWare

Tier 3

  • Hetzner
  • nocloud
  • Oracle Cloud
  • Scaleway
  • Vultr
  • Upcloud