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Azure Cloud Controller Manager and CSI driver for storage

Guide on how to install the Azure Cloud Controller Manager and Container Storage Interface driver in Kubernetes

This is a guide for installing the Azure Cloud Provider and Azure CSI.

The cloud-provider-azure module is used for interacting with Azure cloud resources through Kubernetes and this guide will also walk through setting up the CSI storage component to set up a StorageClass for workloads to use on the cluster.

The steps in this guide could be used for any Kubernetes cluster with the addition of the patch applied to a Talos cluster.

Pre -requisites

This guide assumes a Talos cluster is already available and the user has an Azure account set up.

The applications in this guide will be installed using Helm.

Apply patch to Talos

There is an option in the Talos machine config to tell the control-plane to use an external controller manager.

This will apply an uninitialized label to a node when it registers to make it impossible to schedule workloads until the CCM has discovered that there is a new node in the cluster.

This configuration is referenced in Talos Docs (Machine Controller Manager).

To apply this to the Talos cluster, create a patch file or edit the machineconfig.

To create a patch file:

vim patch.yaml

Add the following to the patch.yaml file:

      cloud-provider: external

Then, apply the patch with:

talosctl machineconfig patch patch.yaml

More information on applying machinconfig patches can be found at Talos Docs (Machine Config Patch).

Azure Configuration File

The Azure Cloud Controller Manager requires a configuration file to gain permissions on the cluster which will require gathering a few values from the Azure Portal and creating an app registration to give the CCM the permissions it needs.

This file is usually placed on the filesystem, but this guide will cover creating a secret to store this configuration instead.

App Registration

The App Registration is what we will use to authenticate to Azure for uploading blobs and creating resources.

For more information not in this guide or to see changes made to the app registration process, Azure’s documentation can be found here:

To create an App Registration in Azure:

  • Search for and Select Azure Active Directory.
  • Select App registrations, then select New registration.
  • Name the application, for example “example-app”.
  • Select a supported account type, which determines who can use the application.
  • Under Redirect URI, select Web for the type of application and enter the URI where the access token is sent to.
  • Select Register.

Collect the following values from Azure, as they will be needed for the Azure CCM configuration file.

  • Tenant ID
  • Subscription ID
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

Add permissions for App Registration

The App registration only needs permissions to the Compute Gallery and the Storage Account.

  • Select the Resource Group the Talos cluster is deployed in
  • Select Access control (IAM)
  • Select Add role assignment
  • Select the role needed for the account.

NOTE: This will vary depending on what the CCM is being used for, but Virtual Machine Contributor is enough for the purposes if this installation guide.

Collect additional information

In the Azure Portal, collected the following values to be used in the configuration file, specific to the cluster the CCM is being installed on:

  • Resource Group
  • Location
  • Virtual Network name
  • Route Table name

Create the configuration file

Create a configuration file named azure.cfg

vim cloud.conf

Add the following to the azure.cfg file, but replace the values with the values gathered at the beginning of this guide.

  "tenantId": "${TENANT_ID}$",
  "subscriptionId": "${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}$",
  "aadClientId": "${CLIENT_ID}$",
  "aadClientSecret": "${CLIENT_SECRET}$",
  "resourceGroup": "${RESOURCE_GROUP}$",
  "location": "${LOCATION}",
  "loadBalancerSku": "standard",
  "securityGroupName": "${SECURITY_GROUP_NAME}",
  "vnetName": "${VIRTUAL_NETWORK_NAME}",
  "routeTableName": "${ROUTE_TABLE_NAME}"

Additional configurations can be found in the CCM docs here: Cloud Provider Azure configs.

A secret can be created in Kubernetes using the following command:

NOTE: This secret is created in the kube-system namespace because that is where the CCM and CSI components will be installed.

kubectl create secret generic azure-cloud-provider --from-file=cloud-config=./cloud.conf -n kube-system

Install the Azure Cloud Controller Manager

Find the version compatible with the Kubernetes version installed with the Talos cluster

To use the latest release add the following helm repo:

NOTE: To use a release specific to the Kubernetes version other than the latest version, replace master with the branch name specified in the version matrix above.

helm repo add cloud-provider-azure

Update helm repositories:

helm repo update

Install the helm chart for cloud-provider-azure:

helm install azure-ccm cloud-provider-azure/cloud-provider-azure \
--set cloud-provider-azure.infra.clusterName="christian-tf" \
--set cloud-provider-azure.cloudControllerManager.cloudConfig='' \
--set cloud-provider-azure.cloudControllerManager.cloudConfigSecretName="azure-cloud-provider" \
--set cloud-provider-azure.cloudControllerManager.enableDynamicReloading="true" \
--set cloud-provider-azure.cloudControllerManager.configureCloudRoutes="true" \
--set cloud-provider-azure.cloudControllerManager.allocateNodeCidrs="true" \
--set cloud-provider-azure.cloudControllerManager.imageRepository=""

Install the Azure CSI Driver


Add the Azure CSI helm repo:

helm repo add azuredisk-csi-driver

Update helm repositories

helm repo update
helm install azure-csi azuredisk-csi-driver/azuredisk-csi-driver -n kube-system

Lastly, create a file for a StorageClass to use the CSI:

vim azure-ssd-lrs.yaml

Add the following contents to the file:

kind: StorageClass
  name: azuredisk-standard-ssd-lrs
  skuName: StandardSSD_LRS
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
allowVolumeExpansion: true

Create the storageclass:

kubectl apply -f azure-ssd-lrs.yaml

Persistent Volume Claims can now be created for workloads in the cluster using the StorageClass created.